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Thank you for your interest in Tambov State Technical University.

Please, read the following info before you request any information about admission. Thank you. - (IMPORTANT INFO)

Dear applicants!
Tambov State Technical University informs you that TSTU's foreign students' admission office doesn't take any fees for issuing the official invitations for studying or any official letters.
Tambov State Technical University accepts only tuition and hostel fees. Tuition and hostel fees can be paid to the official bank account of the university or to the cashier office of the university. All fees are to be made according to the signed contract between an applicant and the university.
All full-time students must have medical insurance that meets University criteria. The University assists students with obtaining an appropriate medical insurance upon their arrival to Tambov.
Please, apply to the foreign students' admission office with any questions: E-mail:

Please, complete this form if you need information to be sent to you. We will be in touch with you soon!

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Your Question  *

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Questions – answers
256. Name: kingsley Date submitted:4 October 2016, 10 h. 05 min.
Text: Good Day Sir/Ma Please I want to enroll for the Russian Language Preparation Section,and after a successful I will further my study in Bachelor degree program at your university,please can you kindly send me your application for the Russian Language Preparation Section. Thanks for your understanding,I wait your response soonest. Добрый День Я хочу изучать русский язык в вашем университете,после того как я закончу русского языка дальнейшей учебы на экономическом факультете в вашем университете.пожалуйста, пришлите мне анкету для русского языка. Спасибо за Ваше понимание
Answer: Dear Kingsley,

The Russian language pre-university course starts in September, that is why in order to be admitted for this program you should apply in March-April.

If you want to be admited for this program for the academic year 2017-2018, you should submit your documents in March-April 2017.

257. Name: oluwaseun Date submitted:30 September 2016, 01 h. 59 min.
Text: i need admission to proceed my carrier. kindly put me thru.
Answer: Dear Oluwaseun,

The list of all Bachelor programs provided at our University you can find here:
As for the Master programs you can find them here:

Please, take into account that all Bachelor and most of the Master programs are taught in Russian that is why before being admitted for any of these programs you should complete a Russian language pre-university course. It starts in September and lasts for 10 months (till June).

If you are interested in studying at our University you should apply in March-April 2017.

258. Name: jesking Date submitted:30 September 2016, 01 h. 56 min.
Text: can i be admitted in summer 2017
Answer: Dear Jesking,

All Bachelor and most of the Master programs at our University are taught in Russian, that is why before being admitted for any of these programs you should complete a Russian language pre-university course. It starts in September and lasts for 10 months (till June).

In order to be admitted for the next academic year (2017-2018), you should apply in March-April 2017.

259. Name: charles Date submitted:27 September 2016, 19 h. 41 min.
Text: i want to know if admission for foreign students in your university is still opened
Answer: Dear Charles,

Unfortunately, the admission process for the 1-year Russian language pre-university program (that starts in September-October 2016 amd lasts till June 2017) is already finished. If you want to be admitted for this program, you should apply in March-April 2017.

Also we can offer to you a 1.5-year Russian language course. It starts in March-April 2017 and lasts till June 2018. If you want to be admitted for this program, you should apply in February 2017.

After successful completion of the pre-university Russian language program you will be able to continue your education in Russian.

260. Name: madi Date submitted:25 September 2016, 02 h. 04 min.
Text: i want to finish my studies in PHD OF MATHEMATICS , how can i do this and how much the price of one year and there is a programme of it in english or no?
Answer: Hello,

All PhD programs at our University are taught in Russian. That is why before being admitted for any Ruissian-taught academic program you should first complete a Russian language pre-university course. It starts in September-October 2016 and lasts till June 2017.

261. Name: Amana Bokagne Date submitted:24 September 2016, 15 h. 10 min.
Text: please i want to do a master in pharmacology or microbiology in your university and i will like to know if its possible to do part tile job while studying to help pay my school fees. tbank you
Answer: Dear Amaba Bokagne,

Unfortunately, we don't have any academic programs in Pharmacology. The list of all Master programs provided at our University you can find here:

262. Name: Solomon Date submitted:16 September 2016, 11 h. 41 min.
Text: Please I want to do masters in management administration or masters in Economics. What do I hv to offer in order to get it
Answer: Dear Solomon,

Most of the Master programs at our University are taught in Russian. That is why before you will be admitted for any Russian-taught Master program first you need to complete a Russian language pre-university course.
Our University offers a 1-year pre-university program (from September-October 2016 till June 2017) and 1.5-year pre-university program (from March 2017 till June 2018).

263. Name: David Date submitted:14 September 2016, 21 h. 13 min.
Text: I am Nigerian and currently a 5th year student of Architecture in Ghana. I want to transfer to Tambov. What level would I have to start from and what are the requirements?
Answer: Dear David,

Unfortunately, it is impossible to transfer from the University in Ghana to Tambov State Technical University because academic programs are very different. You can be admitted at TSTU only as a first-year student. But take into account that all Bachelor programs at our University are taught in Russian that is why before being admitted for any of the Bachelor programs you will have to complete a Russian language pre-university course. It starts in September-October and lasts for 10 months.

264. Name: kangwa Date submitted:12 September 2016, 11 h. 31 min.
Text: i would like to be helped with a brochure and the courses offered and fees
Answer: Dear Kangwa,

All Bachelor programs provided at our University for academic year 2016-2017 you can find here:

The list of all Master programs is here:

As for the application form, you can find this file here:

265. Name: noura Date submitted:10 September 2016, 09 h. 41 min.
Text: hello, I would like to apply for the Resources Conservation and Environmental Safety in Civil Engineering program , but where can I find the application form please? Also when is the deadline to apply? thanks in advance
Answer: Dear Noura,

Our University provides the Master’s program ‘Resources Conservation and Environmental Safety in Civil Engineering’ in English and Russian language.

As for the English-taught Master’s program, admission procedure for this course for the academic year 2016-2017 is already finished. If you want to be admitted for this program, you should apply in April 2017.

As for the Russian-taught Master’s program, you can be admitted for this program only after successful completion of the Russian-language pre-university course. It starts in September-October and lasts for 10 months (till June).

266. Name: Sofiane Date submitted:7 September 2016, 05 h. 06 min.
Text: Hello, I would like to study Computer Engineering in your univeristy, what are the available languages of study? when is the deadline to apply? Thanks in advance.
Answer: Dear Sofiane,

All Bachelor programs at our University are taught in Russian. That is why before being admitted for this program you should complete a Russian language pre-university program. It starts in September 2016 and lasts for 10 months (till June 2017). For now we accept documents for this program.

All information regarding admission you can find here:

267. Name: CHAITRALI Date submitted:6 September 2016, 08 h. 42 min.
Text: I have passed 12th science course this year from Mumbai,India with 68% grade . I visited the unvirersity official website . I want help regarding the admission process for Medical course MBBS in your university. I am waiting for your valuable response. THANKYOU Yours faithfully, Chaitrali Devlekar
Answer: Dear Chaitrali,

Unfortunately, our University doesn’t provide any Bachelor or Master programs in Medicine. Most of the Universities in the Russian Federation offer these programs in the Russian language. It means that first you will have to complete a Russian language pre-university course.

We can offer to you a Russian language pre-university program (medical profile). It starts in September 2016 and lasts till June 2017. After successful completion of this pre-university program you will be able to continue your education on a Bachelor or Master program in Medicine.

In order to be admitted for this program, you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (

- a scanned copy of your international passport (please, take into account that you passport should be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia);
- a scanned copy of your education certificate;
- a completed application form ;
- scanned copies of medical documents including HIVC-test results.

268. Name: V T Date submitted:3 September 2016, 10 h. 46 min.
Text: sir iam intrested to study medicine in your university kindly the details of addmission and fees structure
Answer: Unfortunately, we don't have any academic programs in Medicine at our University.

269. Name: Georges Date submitted:31 August 2016, 13 h. 24 min.
Text: les informations sur inscription et tous les detailles
Answer: Toute les informations vous pouvez trouver ici:

270. Name: hassanain Date submitted:27 July 2016, 09 h. 50 min.
Text: hi i like to study masters in civil engineering i want to know the prices of the studies
Answer: Dear Hassanain,

Thank you for your interest in our University. TSTU offers two Master’s programs in Civil Engineering that are taught in the English language:

1. Resources Conservation and Environmental Safety in Civil Engineering;
2. Theory and Design of Buildings and Structures.

In order to be admitted for any of these programs, you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Please, take into account that your passport should be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your original degree certificate (Bachelor’s degree certificate or diploma);
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of your medical documents including HIV-test results.

As soon as we receive all the required documents we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

As for the payments we have the following procedure:

1. The following payments should be transferred to the University official bank account before we send to you the original invitation:
- Tuition Fee – approximately 2500 USD for the Master’s program taught in English.
- Accommodation Fee – approximately 350 USD for the 1-year stay in a shared room.

2. These payments should be paid upon your arrival to Tambov:
- Medical Insurance Fee – approximately 80 USD per 1 year;
- Multiple Visa Fee – approximately 30 USD.

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Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19