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Титульная страница ТГТУ iPET PROGRAMME  


The iPET programme is a multi-level modular system for pedagogical training of engineering educators based on international network cooperation.
The ENTER proposes a hierarchy of 3 structured educational programmes for engineering educators - iPET programme, in the context of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. The actual design is one of the outputs of the project and foresees 3 educational programmes with different content and duration:
  • iPET-1 Short-focused (2 ECTS) - "Qualification Development" Certificate
  • iPET-2 Professional Retraining (8 ECTS) - Diploma "Higher Education Teacher"
  • iPET-3 International recognized (20 ECTS) - a full programme leading to international accreditation as "Engineering Educator"
  • The iPET educational programmes are offered in different formats: onsite, online, and blended learning.

- iPET-1 Programme (under construction)
- iPET-2 Programme (under construction)
         Certificate of Elena S.Mishchenko
         Certificate of Nikolay G.Chernyshov
         Certificate of Dmitriy V.Polyakov


iPET programme Course ECTS
iPET-1 (2 ECTS) 1.1 Innovations in engineering pedagogy 1
1.2 Time management 0.5
1.3 Effective interaction 0.5
iPET-2 (8 ECTS) 1.1 Innovations in engineering pedagogy 1
1.2 Time management 0.5
1.3 Effective interaction 0.5
2.1 Enhancement of learning interactivity 2
2.2 Systems analysis in education 1
2.3 Pedagogical psychology and communication 1
2.4 Interaction with stakeholders 1
2.5 Sustainable development 1
iPET-3 (20 ECTS) 1.1 Innovations in engineering pedagogy 1
1.2 Time management 0.5
1.3 Effective interaction 0.5
2.1 Enhancement of learning interactivity 2
2.2 Systems analysis in education 1
2.3 Pedagogical psychology and communication 1
2.4 Interaction with stakeholders 1
2.5 Sustainable development 1
3.1 Digital education 2
3.2 Problem-based, Project-based and practice-oriented learning 2
3.3 Learning outcomes' assessment 2
3.4 Course design 1
3.5 Engineering innovation process 2
3.6 Final project 3

Programme Leader: Vice-rector for International Activities - Elena S. Mishchenko
Tel.: +7 (4752) 63-20-02, E-mail: int@tstu.ru

For additional information on Erasmus + ENTER Project 598506-EPP-1-2018-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "EngineeriNg educaTors pEdagogical tRaining" (ENTER) please visit http://www.erasmus-enter.org/

Representatives of Tambov State Technical University took part in the meeting of the coordinators of the international project ERASMUS + ENTER "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training" from Russia and Kazakhstan.
Last week, as part of the implementation of the international project ERASMUS + ENTER "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training", a regular online meeting of project coordinators, representatives of universities - members of the consortium from Tambov State Technical University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University and Vyatka State University took place, where the criteria for organizing and evaluating the final project of the international professional retraining program «Engineering Educator» were discussed.
TSTU successfully implements the third module of the professional retraining program for engineering educators within the framework of the ERASMUS + project "Engineering Educators Pedagogical training" ENTER
A group of teachers of the Tambov State Technical University - representatives of the departments "Engineering of Nanotechnologies", "Computer-Integrated Systems in Mechanical Engineering", "Mechanics and Engineering Graphics", "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies", "Power Engineering", "Structures of Buildings and Constructions" successfully master the disciplines the iPET3 professional retraining program, recognized at the international level and providing for the award of the international qualification "Engineering Educator". Training is organized in a network format with the participation of universities from Kazakhstan and Russia: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Tambov State Technical University and Vyatka State University. This module of the program started in November 2021 and will last until the end of March 2022.
The curriculum includes such disciplines as "Digital Education", "Engineering Innovation Process", "Problem-based, Project-based and Practice-Oriented learning", "Learning Outcomes’ Assessment", "Course Design", "Final Project". iPET 3 syllabus was developed by the ENTER project consortium team from the universities of Portugal, Slovakia, Estonia, Russia and Kazakhstan, taking into account the opinions of stakeholders - representatives of the administration of universities, teachers and students of engineering profile, potential employers for engineering graduates, representatives of state educational authorities. The iPET program is designed for engineering educators who wish to improve their knowledge and skills, and also apply for certification to be included in the International Register for the tertiary level professional educators.
Report of Associate Professor A.I. Popov "The role of pedagogical communication in ensuring the quality of engineering educators training " at the conference "Technical support of innovative technologies in agriculture", held on November 26, 2021 on the basis of Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
In the course of speech, A.I. Popov introduced the audience to the results of participation of the university scientists in implementation of the Erasmus+ project "Engineering educators pedagogical training-ENTER". The participants of the conference were presented with the concept of educational module "Pedagogical Psychology and Communication" of the advanced training program for engineering educators developed at the university.
TSTU conducts a course of open lectures for foreign teachers within the framework of the international project ERASMUS + ENTER.
Since March 1, 2021 as part of implementation of the international project ERASMUS + ENTER, Associate Professor of TSTU Andrey Popov has been holding open lectures for students of the professional retraining program "Engineering educators pedagogical training" from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Karaganda Buketov University, Vyatka State University and Tambov State Technical University.
On February 4, 2021 Associate Professor of the Department "Information Systems and Information Security" , the head of the e-learning Department of TSTU Dmitry Polyakov delivered a lecture on the topic "Education after 2020: new tools in teaching and learning".
The lecture was held within the framework of implementation of the international program of professional pedagogical retraining of engineering educators iPET, developed in the project ENTER of the European Commission ERASMUS+ program. The main goal of the ENTER project is to create a multi-level modular system of pedagogical training of engineering educators on the basis of international network cooperation.
TSTU at the International Conference on Engineering Education ICL-IGIP 2021 "Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education".
Representatives of TSTU presented to the conference participants the report "Expansion of intersection zone of university interests and industrial partners as a basis for improving the effectiveness of training engineering, pedagogical and scientific personnel", prepared as part of the implementation of the international project ERASMUS + "Engineering educators pedagogical training-ENTER".
On April 16 2021, representatives of Tambov State Technical University took full-time part in the 10th IGIP International Regional Conference on Engineering Pedagogy "Modern concept of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in post-graduate studies of engineering universities" on the basis of Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI) with the report "Comprehensive assessment of the training quality in the context of networking of technical University with industrial partners", carried out within the framework of the international project ERASMUS+ "Engineering educators pedagogical training-ENTER".


This project has been co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19
E-mail: tstu@admin.tstu.ru