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2 December 2024, 12:53 
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Титульная страница ТГТУ International Cooperation  

At present the international cooperation is considered to be an indicator of quality and mark of excellence. University internationalization is more and more important because in a globalised society universities play a key role as a centre of information and spread of learning.

The international cooperation is one of the main priorities for Tambov State Technical University development today and the new plan of university strategic development includes new strategic goals in the sphere of international education.
  • Promotion of the University to the world market and strengthening the image;
  • Official recognition of TSTU programs abroad;
  • Preparing students to be a part of multicultural society and global world;
  • Becoming adoptive to rapid changes of the society and its requirements;
  • Promoting educational programs internationally;
  • Attracting new international students and make education programs international;
  • Involving more and more scientists into international collaboration and teachers into academic exchange;
  • Organizing the mobility system for students and teachers in the frames of international cooperation programs;
  • Attracting additional financing from international resources.

  • International students training
  • International project coordinating
  • Foreign language training
  • Two-language learning
  • Academic mobility organizing
The key component of the international university life is training international students. The Faculty of International Education provides services to international students, counseling, assistance with accommodation and advice on general welfare.
Now the total number of international students at the University is more than 850 from 50 countries. The special range of study programs has been developed for them: preliminary Russian language program, and combined language and other subjects according to the profile of pre-university training. Students having completed the preliminary course may apply for admission to the main faculties. The University also welcomes applications from international students for research degree.

TSTU encourages the fullest integration of international students into its academic and social life.
It is important that the University participates in EU educational programs. Since 2000 TSTU has participated in 13 TEMPUS projects.

University scientists participate in international conferences where they present their research results, employees promote university education services at world education fairs.
Some university teachers received the honored title "Euroeducator" and are accredited in the International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP). The University departments lead 44 joint educational and research projects with their foreign partners all over the world.

Foreign professors come to TSTU to read lectures, University students and employees participate in academic mobility processes, international conferences are organised:

To develop international activities it is very important to teach foreign languages. Two language centers provide students with opportunities to master foreign language up to the level appropriate for academic mobility.

To introduce into the curriculum subjects taught in foreign languages the special center is created. It provides additional training of major subjects in English. The graduates receive an additional diploma and have a brilliant opportunity to develop an international career.

Academic and student mobility is developing in the frames of different schemes: bilateral agreements, research projects and mobility programs. The programs provide Russian students with opportunities to study abroad. Summer internship or exchange programs are very popular, students can get professional experience in international environment, travel and master their English.

We welcome all the requests of help and proposals of cooperation. Please contact our International Office.

Tel.: +7 (4752) 63-01-12
E-mail: ums@tstu.ru


TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19
E-mail: tstu@admin.tstu.ru