Слоган ТГТУ: будущее начинается сегодня
21 January 2025, 08:33 
Титульная страница ТГТУ
Титульная страница ТГТУ Mission & Vision  


TSTU mission is to be a leader in training a global competitive engineering elite, generating and transferring scientific knowledge and technologies, forming a harmoniously developed and socially active personality based on the digital transformation of the university and the best world traditions for the sustainable development of the region’s innovation ecosystem and improving the quality of life.

TSTU positions itself as a competitive university in the global international and national scientific and educational space, focused on implementing the priorities of the National Technological Initiative, achieving the goals of Industry 4.0 and transforming into a digital university format with the functions of an integrator of the main processes within the innovation ecosystem.

TSTU Tambov State Technical University

© 1995-2024 All rights reserved

TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19
E-mail: tstu@admin.tstu.ru