Слоган ТГТУ: будущее начинается сегодня
15 January 2025, 02:44 
Титульная страница ТГТУ
Титульная страница ТГТУ General Information  

Tambov State Technical University is considered to be one of the largest educational institutions in the region. It was founded in 1958 as the Tambov affiliate of Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering and called Tambov Institute of Chemical Engineering.

In 1993 the Institute was renamed into Tambov State Technical University. More than 55 000 specialists with diplomas of higher education have been trained during 63 years of university existence.

Many university graduates head large industrial enterprises and institutions of the Tambov region as well as other Russian areas. Now the university presents itself an integral system of continuous education including preschool, school, university and post-graduate levels. The basic principles of this system are: availability of education for all social groups, life-long character of education, combination of humanitarian and technical courses.

University Mission is expressed by the following formula: to receive, store, develop and disseminate knowledge using advanced information technologies, to provide training and consulting services, create unique high tech products, to train competitive specialists for the Russian and international market, to support economic development of the Tambov region.

Now the University comprises 8 institutes, 2 faculties, 40 departments, offers 39 Bachelor programs, 58 Master courses and 5 graduate programs in various fields. Total number of students is about 8 000. The University is located in 14 buildings, has a library with the stock of 1500000 books, learning management system VitaLMS giving access to distance learning technologies, 4 student hostels, 4 canteens, a stadium, a swimming pool, camps in the countryside near the river.

The University wireless (Wi-Fi) service is designed as a primary access network for TSTU students and staff. This network provides Wi-Fi coverage inside most buildings as well as some outdoor areas of the university campus

Pre-university training is presented by associated colleges. Center for advanced training and retraining is also an important part of the university structure. These subdivisions together with the main institutes and faculties form a system of continuous education.

TSTU graduates have the opportunity to continue education at the post-graduate school, and then at the doctorate.

The research results are published in the scientific journals "TSTU Transactions" with abstracts in four languages, "Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice. Vernadsky University", "Advanced Materials and Technologies", "Law: History and Modernity".

More than 800 international students and post-graduates from 55 countries study at Tambov State Technical University.

Foreign professors come to TSTU to read lectures in the frames of joint international projects and programs, University students and employees participate in academic mobility processes, international conferences are organized: the University is developing rapidly.


TSTU Tambov State Technical University

© 1995-2024 All rights reserved

TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19
E-mail: tstu@admin.tstu.ru