Borshchov V.Ya., Dolgunin V.N., Shubin R.A.The Conveyor Shear Cell for Determination of Particle Tendency to Segregation and Mixing During Shear Flow of Particulate Solids // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 12 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2006. (pdf-file) Abstract: An original experimental unit for investigation of segregation and mixing effects during two-dimensional shear flow of particulate solids for a wide range of shear rates is developed. An analytical approach is suggested in order to calculate the coefficient of quasidiffusional mixing during shear flow of particulate solids.
Li Zhanyong, Ye Jingsheng, Wang Hongtai, Wang Ruifang.Drying Characteristics of Green Peas in Fluidized Beds // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 12 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2006. (pdf-file) Abstract: A modified fluidized bed, termed the pulsed fluidized bed (PFB), was developed to eliminate some limitations of the conventional fluidized bed by superposing a pulsating air stream on the continuously flowing fluidizing air. Drying of green peas was carried out to assess the advantages of such a pulsed fluid bed over the conventional fluid bed. Due to good dispersion of solids by the pulsing air flow, a higher drying rate is realized in PFB with lesser color degradation. The solids shrinkage and sorption isotherms are also presented.