TSTU - Research - Scientific Articles
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Титульная страница ТГТУ Scientific Articles  
Section: "Architecture and Construction. Transport"
    2017 (Number of items: 1)
  • Alenicheva Е.V., Kozhukhina О.N., Giyasova I.V. Problems of Reconstruction of Urban Areas in Modern Conditions // Journal "Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice" Vernadsky University , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2017. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The article discusses topical issues of urban development taking into account modern tendencies in town planning policy. The authors substantiate the necessity of increasing the share of reconstruction of buildings, neighborhoods and city districts. The world reconstruction practices have been analyzed. The problems that prevent the effective management of works related to the renovation of buildings have been explored. Economic issues related to renovation of urban areas have been revealed. The rationale for changing the concept of modern town planning is considered, with regard to the situation in the field of reconstruction and major repairs. The ways of solving the emerging problems of reconstruction of urban areas in modern conditions have been outlined.
    2016 (Number of items: 1)
    2015 (Number of items: 1)
    2012 (Number of items: 1)
    2004 (Number of items: 2)
    2003 (Number of items: 1)
    2002 (Number of items: 3)

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