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8 February 2025, 16:26 
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Thank you for your interest in Tambov State Technical University.

Please, read the following info before you request any information about admission. Thank you. - (IMPORTANT INFO)

Dear applicants!
Tambov State Technical University informs you that TSTU's foreign students' admission office doesn't take any fees for issuing the official invitations for studying or any official letters.
Tambov State Technical University accepts only tuition and hostel fees. Tuition and hostel fees can be paid to the official bank account of the university or to the cashier office of the university. All fees are to be made according to the signed contract between an applicant and the university.
All full-time students must have medical insurance that meets University criteria. The University assists students with obtaining an appropriate medical insurance upon their arrival to Tambov.
Please, apply to the foreign students' admission office with any questions: E-mail:

Please, complete this form if you need information to be sent to you. We will be in touch with you soon!

First Name  *
Last Name  *
Email Address  *
Country  *
Your Question  *

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By clicking on the "Submit" button, I consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the Policy
Questions – answers
1. Name: Хусейн Date submitted:1 May 2023, 22 h. 51 min.
Text: Подача документов на получение только русского языка, сколько это стоит?
Answer: Уважаемый Хусейн,

Стоимость курсов русского языка – 48000 рублей.
Присылайте Ваши документы на для рассмотрения – паспорт и документ об образовании.

С уважением,

2. Name: wilfred Date submitted:29 April 2023, 14 h. 01 min.
Text: Good morning sir. i would like to apply to study in russia i saw the list of documents to provide and i would like to know how to get the application form to fill in and also know if the medical certificate is compulsory we cannot do it at arrive? Cordially
Answer: Dear Wilfred,

Now we accept documents for 1.5-year Pre-university Russian language program available from Spring 2023. The duration of this program is 18 months.

Please, send your request to our email and we will send the Application form back.
- Mind that you should do all the medical examinations in your country. Without the medical documents we won’t send the official invitation to you.


3. Name: Ramcesse Date submitted:16 April 2023, 13 h. 50 min.
Text: comment faire une demande d'admission
Answer: Dear Ramcesse,

Now we accept documents for 1.5-year Pre-university Russian language program available from Spring 2023. The duration of this program is 18 months.
In order to be admitted for the Russian language pre-university program, you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Please, take into account that your passport should be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your education certificate;
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of your medical certificate including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results. Without your medical documents we won’t be able to issue the official invitation.

As soon as we receive required documents, we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.


4. Name: saad Date submitted:6 June 2021, 15 h. 00 min.
Text: how much cost the Pre-university Russian language program (mechanical engineering)?and can i do all the inscription and payment steps from morocco without any middleman?
Answer: Dear Saad,

The cost of the Pre-university Russian language program in 2021-2022 academic year is 1250 USD.

You need to submit all your documents to our official e-mail

As for the payments, we can make the invoice for you to pay the tuition fee directly from Morocco.


5. Name: Parth Sarathi Date submitted:3 June 2021, 06 h. 55 min.
Text: Hello Sir/Mam, I’m a student from India I’m 21 years old and want to enroll to Pre-University Program and then I want to study Economics further in the Tstu i have already completed my 10 year schooling will i be eligible with my 10th certificate to Tstu?
Answer: Dear Parth Sarathi,

All Bachelor programs are taught in Russian that is why before being admitted for any of these academic programs you should first complete a Russian language pre-university program. It starts in September 2021 and lasts till June 2022.
In order to be admitted for this program, you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Please, take into account that your passport should be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your education certificate;
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of your medical certificate including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results. Without your medical documents we won’t be able to issue the official invitation.

As soon as we receive required documents, we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

You do not need to pay for admission & invitation letter.

After the successful completion of the Russian language pre-university program you will get a certificate the will allow you to continue your education in Russian.


6. Name: Syed Talha Date submitted:9 May 2021, 07 h. 12 min.
Text: I am a student from Pakistan currently residing in Moscow and I want to apply for the General Medicine course in English Language in Tambov State University.
Answer: Dear Syed Talha,

You’ve contacted Tambov State TECHNICAL University.

Unfortunately we haven’t any academic programs on medicine at our university.

We can offer you a Pre-university Russian language program (medical profile). It includes classes on the Russian language and other subjects related for this profile.


7. Name: Hayme Date submitted:28 April 2021, 02 h. 02 min.
Text: how to apply online for a contract bachelor program in General medicine faculty ?
Answer: Dear Hayme,

You’ve contacted Tambov State TECHNICAL University.

Unfortunately we haven’t any academic programs on medicine at our university.

We can offer you a Pre-university Russian language program (medical profile). It includes classes on the Russian language and other subjects related for this profile.


8. Name: Hayme Judiana Date submitted:28 April 2021, 01 h. 57 min.
Text: How do I apply for a Russian scholarship? I want a link to enter the application form to General Medicine
Answer: Dear Hayme Judiana,

You’ve contacted Tambov State TECHNICAL University.

Unfortunately we haven’t any academic programs on medicine at our university.

We can offer you a Pre-university Russian language program (medical profile). It includes classes on the Russian language and other subjects related for this profile.

To get a scholarship for studying in Russia, please, go to


9. Name: Muhammad Date submitted:13 April 2021, 09 h. 23 min.
Text: Hello, I want to start Master's program at your university, i'm hopping to send me more information's about the process of admission. Regards
Answer: Dear Muhammad,

Here you can find the list of all Master programs provided at our University:

The prices are valuable till the 15th of May 2021.

Most of Master programs are taught in Russian that is why before being admitted for any of these academic programs you should first complete a Russian language pre-university program. It starts in March 2021 and lasts till June 2022.

But due to the world situation because of the COVID-19, for now we are ready to offer a new scheme of training of foreign citizens on the Pre-university Russian language program in 2021-2022 academic year. Mind that this scheme is valid only until the restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens into Russia are lifted. Once the restrictions are lifted, all students will have to come to study in full-time.

The new scheme includes both online training and full-time training. All students studying online will be enrolled in the university and will be able to obtain an acceptance letter that they are students of the Pre-university Russian language program in TSTU.

Stage 1 (during the restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens into Russia) - online training. Students can stay at home in any city of the world, but must have access to the internet to join online classes.
Stage 2 (after lifting restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens into Russia) - full-time training. Students must come to TSTU to continue their studies directly at the university.

In order to apply for on-line training from September 2021 the students should submit the following documents for us to consider:
1. International passport
2. Educational documents
IMPORTANT! In order to obtain the Certificate of successful completion of the Pre-university Russian language program, the student must complete a full course consisting of 2 semesters.
Please, let us know if you have further questions.

10. Name: Neo Kgomotso Date submitted:12 April 2021, 12 h. 59 min.
Text: Application process, I would love to apply for a MD bachelor's degree program for September 2021.
Answer: Dear Neo Kgomotso,

Here you can find the list of all Master programs provided at our University:

The prices are valuable till the 15th of May 2021.

Most of Master programs are taught in Russian that is why before being admitted for any of these academic programs you should first complete a Russian language pre-university program. It starts in March 2021 and lasts till June 2022.

But due to the world situation because of the COVID-19, for now we are ready to offer a new scheme of training of foreign citizens on the Pre-university Russian language program in 2021-2022 academic year. Mind that this scheme is valid only until the restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens into Russia are lifted. Once the restrictions are lifted, all students will have to come to study in full-time.

The new scheme includes both online training and full-time training. All students studying online will be enrolled in the university and will be able to obtain an acceptance letter that they are students of the Pre-university Russian language program in TSTU.

Stage 1 (during the restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens into Russia) - online training. Students can stay at home in any city of the world, but must have access to the internet to join online classes.
Stage 2 (after lifting restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens into Russia) - full-time training. Students must come to TSTU to continue their studies directly at the university.

In order to apply for on-line training from September 2021 the students should submit the following documents for us to consider:
1. International passport
2. Educational documents
IMPORTANT! In order to obtain the Certificate of successful completion of the Pre-university Russian language program, the student must complete a full course consisting of 2 semesters.
Please, let us know if you have further questions.

11. Name: Mohanad Date submitted:15 March 2021, 14 h. 00 min.
Text: Hello, I want to start Master's program at your university, i'm hopping to send me more information's about the process of admission. Regards
Answer: Dear Mohanad,

Here you can find the list of all Master programs taught at our University:

The prices are valid till the 15th of May 2021.

Most of Master programs at our University are taught in Russian that is why before being admitted for any Russian-taught academic program first you need to complete a Russian language pre-university program.

Now we accept documents for 1.5-year Pre-university Russian language program available from Spring 2021. The duration of this program is 18 months.

The food is not provided any way.

For further information, please, write to our official e-mail


12. Name: Mohamed Date submitted:13 March 2021, 21 h. 07 min.
Text: What papers are required to apply for a comprehensive scholarship in Russia?
Answer: Dear Mohamed,

In order to get a scholarship for studying in Russian universities, please, go to

Or contact the officials of your country to know the opportunities of getting the scholarship for studying abroad.

Best regards,

13. Name: Ahmed Date submitted:6 March 2021, 11 h. 46 min.
Text: I need a scholarship to study PhD in Physical Education and Sports Science
Answer: Dear Ahmed,

Unfortunately there is no such a program at our University.

In order to get a scholarship for studying in Russian universities, please, go to

Or contact the officials of your country to know the opportunities of getting the scholarship for studying abroad.

Best regards,

14. Name: Hicham Date submitted:6 March 2021, 11 h. 14 min.
Text: I am a Moroccan and I want to continue my studies in master 2021/2022 in mechanical and production engineering with the Russian language, I am in the course of my license, of course after the preparatory year of Russian language, what is the university where I can find this course, to prepare my language with the basics of my training
Answer: Dear Hicham,

To learn more about our University, please, go to

Unfortunately, now the invitations for studying are not available for students from most countries due to the world situation because of the COVID-19.

But we are ready to offer a new scheme of training of foreign citizens on the Pre-university Russian language program in 2021-2022 academic year. Mind that this scheme is valid only until the restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens into Russia are lifted. Once the restrictions are lifted, all students will have to come to study in full-time.

The new scheme includes both online training and full-time training. All students studying online will be enrolled in the university and will be able to obtain an acceptance letter that they are students of the Pre-university Russian language program in TSTU.

Stage 1 (during the restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens into Russia) - online training. Students can stay at home in any city of the world, but must have access to the internet to join online classes.
Stage 2 (after lifting restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens into Russia) - full-time training. Students must come to TSTU to continue their studies directly at the university.

Now we accept documents for the 1.5-year Pre-university Russian language program from March 2021 (three semesters).

The cost of the 1,5-year Pre-university Russian language program (technical and economical profile) in 2021-2022 academic years is 127000 rubles (1800 USD).

The cost of the 1,5-year Pre-university Russian language program (medical profile) in 2021-2022 academic years is 165000 rubles (2300 USD).

In order to apply for on-line training from March 2021 the students should submit the following documents to our e-mail for us to consider:

1. International passport
2. Educational documents

IMPORTANT! In order to obtain the Certificate of successful completion of the Pre-university Russian language program, the student must complete a full course consisting of 3 semesters.
Please, let us know if you have further questions.


15. Name: Doreen Date submitted:25 February 2021, 22 h. 23 min.
Text: Do you offer masters in accounting and finance? In which language do you teach? If you pay tuition fees and accommodation do you offer food or students look for themselves? Thanks
Answer: Dear Doreen,

Here you can find the list of all Master programs taught at our University:

The prices are valid till the 15th of May 2021.

Most of Master programs at our University are taught in Russian that is why before being admitted for any Russian-taught academic program first you need to complete a Russian language pre-university program.

Now we accept documents for 1.5-year Pre-university Russian language program available from Spring 2021. The duration of this program is 18 months.

The food is not provided any way.

For further information, please, write to our official e-mail


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TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19