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An excursion "From monument to monument" was held for foreign students The implementation of the project for international students "Summer 2022" continues at the Faculty of International Education of TSTU. The next event of the project was an excursion "From monument to monument". The students got acquainted with the history of the creation of memorial objects of the city and learnt a lot of new things about the history of Tambov, about the people who glorified it.

A mini-football tournament was held for international students of TSTU The event was organized by the Faculty of International Education and the Department of General Theoretical Disciplines. The goals of the tournament were to promote a healthy lifestyle, to promote a tolerant attitude and a positive image of the university. In a hard struggle the national team of Egypt, Syria, and Iraq won the Summer Mini-Football Cup of the Faculty of International Education.

The implementation of the project "Summer 2022" continues at the Faculty of International Education of TSTU On a tour to the Druzhba Park, students from Afghanistan, Cameroon, Egypt, Iraq and other countries enthusiastically overcame the obstacles of the rope park, tried themselves at the playground for cyclists and skateboarders, walked along the shady paths of the park, rode bicycles. Also, graduates of the preparatory faculty visited the Museum of the History of Medicine of the Tambov region, which is located on the territory of the Archbishop Luka City Hospital.

TSTU awarded diplomas on the advanced training program "International Engineering Educator" On July 22, Tambov State Technical University awarded diplomas to the trainees – young educators of technical courses who successfully completed international professional advanced training program of engineering educators within the framework of the International project ENTER. The program was implemented by Tambov State Technical University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University and Vyatka State University. This program is focused on the creation and development of an international platform for innovative multi-level modular professional and pedagogical training/retraining of educators of technical universities based on the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning.

TSTU graduates of have become international specialists On July 21, graduates of international specialists training programs in the field of production management and law got their diplomas at the Center for Training International Specialists of Tambov State Technical University. The main focus of the Center is continuous language and professional training of students to participate in international academic exchange programs, international projects and conduct professional activities in the global scientific and educational environment.

Representatives of TSTU took part in an international seminar within the framework of the ENTER project On July 8, as part of the implementation of the international project ENTER "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training", a seminar was held, which was attended by representatives of universities participating in the consortium from Russia, Kazakhstan and Portugal. Within the framework of the seminar, the project executors discussed the results of the pilot implementation of international programs of advanced training and professional retraining of engineering educators and key aspects of preparation for the accreditation procedure of these programs.

TSTU joined the CIS Network University Consortium In June 2022 the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia hosted a meeting of the Coordinating Council of the CIS Network University. In the framework of this meeting the decision was made to join Tambov State Technical University to the Commonwealth Network University. Multilateral interuniversity cooperation within the framework of the consortium involves conducting joint scientific research, providing joint management of thesis research, combining the material, technical and human resources of participating universities. All this contributes to increasing academic mobility, promoting educational programs in the foreign education market, improving the university's ranking both domestically and abroad.

The International Forum "EcoGREEN" was held at Tambov State Technical University Tambov State Technical University hosted the Annual International Youth Educational Forum "EcoGREEN" - Ecological Global Regional Initiatives with the support of the V.I. Vernadsky Environmental Foundation and the Administration the Tambov Region. The forum was attended by university teachers and students from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Serbia. Within the framework of the forum, much attention was paid to generalization of international experience and development of international cooperation in the field of rational use of natural resources, the involvement of young people in solving regional and global environmental problems, as well as opportunities for interaction and improving the effectiveness of joint work of young people for the benefit of sustainable development and environmental safety.

Day of Slavic Writing and Culture at TSTU On May 24 a festive event dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture took place at TSTU. The organizers of the event were the Faculty of International Education and the International Department of Tambov State Technical University. Representatives of the National Library (Srbac, the Republic of Srpska), the Pan-European University "APEIRON" (Banja Luka, the Republic of Srpska) and the Secondary Economic School of Doboj (Serbian Republic) addressed the guests of the event with a welcoming speech. During the meeting the participants discussed the origins and traditions of celebrating the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture, the role of writing in the formation of the culture of Slavic nations.

Delegation of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation visited TSTU On May 17, the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan Embassy in the Russian Federation visited TSTU. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation Botirjon Asadov, Consul-General Valijon Niyazkhodjaev and Adviser on trade and Economic issues Shokhrukh Gulamov got acquainted with the educational, scientific and international activities of Tambov State Technical University, opportunities for applicants and partners, about the training of Uzbek students at TSTU.

TSTU representatives took part in the meeting of Academic Council ERASMUS+ ENTER project "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training" Within the framework of the ERASMUS+ ENTER international project "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training ", an academic council of project coordinators, representatives of universities participating in the consortium from Russia and Kazakhstan took place on May 13. Participants discussed the procedure of final certification of trainees international professional retraining program "International Engineering Educator", the mechanisms for the entry of educators of technical universities into the International Register of Professional Educators of Higher Education ENTER.

The Serbian-Russian Action of the international youth patriotic movement took place in TSTU On May 11, students of Tambov State Technical University together with representatives of the Pan-European University "Apeiron" (Banja Luka, the Republic of Srpska) and the Laza Kostic Gymnasium (Novi Sad, the Republic of Serbia) held an online Action of the international youth patriotic movement. Young people shared their family stories, traditions of celebrating Victory Day, discussed the organization of commemorative events together with foreign partner universities.

TSTU Rector and the Vice-Rector for International Activities took part in ХIth IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy In April, XI International Conference of the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP) "Peculiarities of training teachers of engineering universities taking into account digitalization and "green technologies" was held at Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI). Rector of Tambov State Technical University Mikhail Krasnyanskiy and Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko made the presentation on topic "Qualitative assessment of international projects implemented by the University in the field of engineering pedagogy".

The Department of "Economic Security and Quality" held an international student round table On April 20, the First International Student Round table "Current challenges for regional development: today and tomorrow" was held at the Department "Economic Security and Quality". Students from Tambov State Technical University, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Tashkent State University of Economics, National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University participated in this meeting. The following topics were discussed: "Development of a comfortable urban environment"; "Prospects for the development of bioenergy in Armenia"; "Balance in the commodity market"; "Construction as a branch of the economy of socio-cultural orientation of Uzbekistan", "Problems of development and improvement of the territories of the Studenets River embankment"; "Implementation of the Russian Federation national projects at the regional level" and many others.

Rectors of TSTU and Pan-European University "Apeiron" discussed the prospects of cooperation An online meeting of the administrations of Tambov State Technical University and Pan-European University "Apeiron" took place on April 21. The parties discussed the possibilities of mutually beneficial educational and scientific cooperation and the implementation of joint educational programs. The meeting resulted in signing of a cooperation agreement and organization of TSTU Russian Language Center at Pan-European University "Apeiron" in order to organize Russian language courses, popularize Russian language programs for children and youth, preserve the values of Russian culture and maintain intercultural dialogue.

TSTU hosted an online meeting with representatives of West-Kazakhstan Innovative-Technological University In the framework of videoconference TSTU and WKITU administrations discussed joint educational and research activities, possibilities of implementing the network educational program in the field of electrical engineering, organization of student exchange program.

Students and teachers of TSTU took part in the International Youth Scientific Conference "Lomonosov-2022" The Opening Ceremony of International Scientific Conference "Lomonosov-2022" was held on April 12. The event was organized by Lomonosov Moscow State University, All-Russian Union of Rectors and All-Russian Network of Scientific and Educational Consortium "Vernadsky", with the support of the Administration of the Tambov region, the Association "V.I. Vernadsky United University" and Tambov State Technical University. TSTU members of the student scientific association, activists of the eco-volunteer center, students of the Department of Nature Management and Environment Protection took an active part in this event.

Representatives of the International Department of Tambov State Technical University discussed the possibilities of cooperation with INTI International University and Colleges (Malaysia). On April 15 Tambov State Technical University hosted an online meeting of Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko with the Director of the employer relations team of the INTI education group Jess Tinawin (Malaysia). The colleagues discussed the prospects of cooperation in the field of innovative academic cooperation, such as academic articulation, franchising of academic programs, innovations of postgraduate courses for both traditional and distance learning, including joint research projects, social projects - cultural orientation, joint projects with employers and stakeholders, international seminars, conferences, forums, lectures, webinars, training competitions, master classes aimed at developing cooperation in educational, scientific and research fields with the participation of both universities.

Tambov State Technical University develops cooperation with the city of Bela Crkva (Republic of Serbia) An online meeting of representatives of the Uvarovo administration, the Russian-Serbian society "Bela Crkva" of the Republic of Serbia and Tambov State Technical University took place at TSTU. The parties discussed the development of cooperation in the field of education, science, culture and tourism, discussed the roadmap of joint educational and cultural events dedicated to the 150-year celebration of the great Russian composer Sergey V. Rachmaninov’s birthday.

TSTU and the China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) discussed the possibilities of scientific and technical cooperation On April 5 a videoconference of scientists from Tambov State Technical University, China University of Mining and Technology and National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" took place. The subject of the meeting was the discussion of the possibilities of initiating and conducting joint research in priority areas of science, technology and engineering, submitting joint applications to the Russian Science Foundation, network implementation of postgraduate study programs.

Representatives of TSTU took part in an online meeting of students of the Republic of Belarus and Russia On the eve of the Day of Unity of the Belarusian and Russian Peoples TSTU took part in an online meeting of students from Belarusian State University, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarus State Economic University, International University "MITSO", Russian State Social University, RUDN University and others. During the discussion, representatives of the two countries discussed the development directions of Belarusian-Russian cooperation in the field of youth policy, issues of preserving historical memory, creating a unified educational space and the necessary conditions for the exchange of experience and productive collaboration on joint innovative research environmental projects aimed at improving environmental literacy, conservation of natural resources and environmental protection.

TSTU develops cooperation with Iraq Representatives of Alsafwa University College (Iraq) visited Tambov State Technical University in order to develop cooperation in the field of biomedical engineering, biology, economics and management. During the meeting of the Iraq delegation and representatives of TSTU, a Memorandum of understanding was signed, in which intentions were recorded to develop research cooperation, joint implementation of educational programs, academic exchanges of students and teachers. The guests got acquainted with the laboratory base of the university and discussed with the TSTU colleagues the cooperation roadmap.

TSTU carried out an international academic mobility program with the International University "MITSO" of the Republic of Belarus Representatives of student scientific clubs of the TSTU Institute of Law took part in the academic mobility program of TSTU and the International University "MITSO", Republic of Belarus, on topical issues of international law. Teachers from TSTU and "MITSO" International University gave lectures to students of Russian and Belarusian universities on the following topics: mediation as an effective way to resolve disputes (conflicts); mediator: requirements and competencies; international law in the field of countering the spread of drugs; international protection of environmental human rights; organization and conduct of mediation: applied aspects; special mediation techniques; concept, content and categorical apparatus of cybercriminalism (digital criminology); interaction of international and domestic law; international marriages: issues of conflict-of-laws regulation.

Representatives of Tambov State Technical University took part in the meeting of the coordinators of the international project ERASMUS + ENTER "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training" from Russia and Kazakhstan

Last week, as part of the implementation of the international project ERASMUS + ENTER "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training", a regular online meeting of project coordinators, representatives of universities - members of the consortium from Tambov State Technical University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University and Vyatka State University took place, where the criteria for organizing and evaluating the final project of the international professional retraining program "Engineering Educator" were discussed.

TSTU successfully implements the third module of the professional retraining program for engineering educators within the framework of the ERASMUS + project "Engineering Educators Pedagogical training" ENTER

A group of teachers of the Tambov State Technical University - representatives of the departments "Engineering of Nanotechnologies", "Computer-Integrated Systems in Mechanical Engineering", "Mechanics and Engineering Graphics", "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies", "Power Engineering", "Structures of Buildings and Constructions" successfully master the disciplines the iPET3 professional retraining program, recognized at the international level and providing for the award of the international qualification "Engineering Educator". Training is organized in a network format with the participation of universities from Kazakhstan and Russia: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Tambov State Technical University and Vyatka State University. This module of the program started in November 2021 and will last until the end of March 2022. The curriculum includes such disciplines as "Digital Education", "Engineering Innovation Process", "Problem-based, Project-based and Practice-Oriented learning", "Learning Outcomes’ Assessment", "Course Design", "Final Project". iPET 3 syllabus was developed by the ENTER project consortium team from the universities of Portugal, Slovakia, Estonia, Russia and Kazakhstan, taking into account the opinions of stakeholders - representatives of the administration of universities, teachers and students of engineering profile, potential employers for engineering graduates, representatives of state educational authorities. The iPET program is designed for engineering educators who wish to improve their knowledge and skills, and also apply for certification to be included in the International Register for the tertiary level professional educators.

Tambov State Technical University together with Lomonosov Moscow State University became a co-organizer of the Youth Russian-Japanese teleconference "Dialogue of Cultures"

During the teleconference, students from Russia and Japan discussed the peculiarities of Russian and Japanese cultures, the differences in student life at Russian and Japanese universities, as well as the directions and tools for conducting humanitarian scientific research at universities.

Tambov State Technical University expands the boundaries of cooperation with European universities

The TSTU Vice-Rector for International Activities E.S. Mishchenko visited the "Obuda University" in Budapest (Hungary). During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of joint scientific, educational and socio-cultural interaction, organization and conduct of joint research, academic mobility programs for students, young scientists and teachers, conferences, summer and winter schools, publication of joint scientific papers, submission of joint applications to international projects of the European Union.

Meeting of the TSTU International Department representatives with the Adviser on Educational Activities and Research of Al Salam University College, Republic of Iraq

On February 24, 2022 Vice-Rector for International Activities E.S. Mishchenko Head of International Relations Office L.V. Mikheeva met with Dr. Ali Issa Jassim, Adviser on Educational Activities and Research at Al Salam University College of the Republic of Iraq, during which the possibilities of initiating joint educational, scientific and socio-cultural activities, as well as prospects for signing a cooperation Agreement were considered.

Representatives of TSTU took part in a meeting within the framework of the international project ERASMUS + "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training – ENTER"in Slovakia

On February 17-19, 2022, a meeting of the project consortium participants was held at Dubnica Technological University of Slovakia within the framework of the ERASMUS + project "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training – ENTER". The delegation of Tambov State Technical University presented the results of the implementation of advanced training and professional retraining programs, which were developed in compliance with all project recommendations at TSTU.

Representatives of TSTU took part in the meeting of the international project ERASMUS + "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training – ENTER"

On January 21, 2022 as part of implementation of the international project "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training – ENTER", a regular online meeting of universities participating in the consortium from Portugal, Russia, Kazakhstan and Slovakia was held. Within the framework of the event in the format of a videoconference, the project executors analyzed the current state of implementation of the program (iPET 3 module), details of the program accreditation procedure, including the procedure for submitting applications to the Accreditation Center of the Association of Engineering Education of Russia.

TSTU realized the online international academic exchange program with Tashkent State University of Economics

TSTU Department "Economic Security and Quality" organized and conducted the online program of international students’ academic exchange in cooperation with Tashkent State University of Economics (Uzbekistan) from November 29 to December 3. Participation in international academic programs allowed the students to gain experience of cooperation in the international academic environment, develop skills of intercultural communication and teamwork.

TSTU took part in the online business webinar, held by the director of Japanese company "Telmic"

Tambov State Technical University took part in the online business webinar "Ensuring the efficiency of management decisions - a strategy for digital transformation of small and medium-scale enterprises in the manufacturing sector", organized by ANO "The Japan Center" (Moscow) with the support of Tambov State Technical University.

Tambov State Technical University takes part in the Florence International Festival of the World’s Cultural Expressions "The World in Florence"

On November 25, 2021 Tambov State Technical University took part in a grand international online event on occasion of the opening of the Florence International Festival of the World’s Cultural Expressions "The World in Florence", organized by Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation and the Association of the Foundation "Life Beyond Tourism-Travel To Dialogue" (Italy). Rector of Tambov State Technical University Mikhail Krasnyansky made a welcoming video message to the participants of the Festival. This event opens a five-year program of international conferences, seminars and symposium to raise awareness of various parts of the world through cultural storytelling, which is implemented through innovative and interactive photo and video exhibitions with thematic content.

Representatives of TSTU and the German energy agency "Dena" discussed issues of urban energy infrastructure

On November 23, students and teachers of the Department "Construction of Buildings and Structures" took part in an online discussion within the framework of the interregional dialogue platform "Urban Energy Infrastructure" on the topic "Smart technologies and digitalization in urban infrastructure". The discussion was organized by the German energy agency "Dena".

Vice-Rector for International Activities of TSTU met with the Head of the International Cooperation Office of the University of Genoa, Italy

On November 18, Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko met with the Head of the International Cooperation Office of the University of Genoa Angelo Musaio in a remote format. In the framework of meeting, representatives of the two universities discussed topical issues related to the diversification of projects of the European TEMPUS/ ERASMUS+ programs. The meeting participants discussed new opportunities for organizing joint academic mobility programs for students and faculty, summer and winter schools, lecture courses and internship programs, joint publications and social and cultural events. One of the important aspects of the discussion was the issue of preliminary coordination of the topics and concepts of applications within the framework of the new stage of the Erasmus+ Program.

TSTU took part in an online literary evening dedicated to Dostoevsky's works

Tambov State Technical University, as coordinator of the Russian Language Center, took part in a cultural evening dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Fyodor M. Dostoevsky, organized by the National Library of the city of Srbac. The event aroused great interest among the residents of Srbac. The literary evening was attended by representatives of the Serbian Ministry of Education, the municipality, students of the Russian Language Center, representatives of economic and cultural institutions of Moscow.

A round table "Experience of cooperation between Tambov State Technical University and the University of Genoa on ERASMUS+ and TEMPUS programs" was held at TSTU

Tambov State Technical University hosted an international online round table "Experience of cooperation between Tambov State Technical University and the University of Genoa (Italy) under the ERASMUS + and TEMPUS programs" as part of the celebration of the EU program ERASMUS + "Erasmus Days". During the event, the results were presented and the sustainability of 6 TEMPUS and Erasmus+ projects successfully implemented by TSTU in consortia with universities of the EU, Kazakhstan and Armenia was demonstrated. Representatives of TSTU and UniGe discussed further steps of cooperation and joint academic and research activities: students’ and teaching staff academic mobility programs, internships and short-study periods, social activities planned to be implemented in the framework of cooperation agreement.

TSTU hosts the International Thermophysical Conference

The 12th International Thermophysical School "Thermophysics and Information Technologies" is being held at Tambov State Technical University from October 19 to 21. The conference aims to discuss the results of theoretical, experimental, design work in three directions - fundamental and applied problems of heat and mass transfer, new methods and information-sensor systems for thermophysical research and measurements and metrology, technical regulation, quality management, economic problems of thermal physics. This is an excellent opportunity for young researchers to get acquainted with developments that are being carried out on a specific topic at TSTU and other Russian and foreign universities and research institutes. One of the plenary presentations "Pore scale analysis of thermal and fluid dynamics behaviors in open metal foams with nanofluids" was made by the professor of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy) Oronzio Manca.

Tambov State Technical University and University of Genova (Italy) will organize the International Round Table

In the frames of #ErasmusDays 2021, Tambov State Technical University and University of Genova (Italy) will organize the International Round Table "The Experience of UNIGE and TSTU cooperation in ERASMUS+ and TEMPUS programs". The event will take place on October 14th at 15:00 Moscow time. We invite you to join this on-line meeting.
Zoom link to connect:
ID: 985 3645 1668
Access code: 642404

Representatives of Tambov State Technical University discussed the possibilities of cooperation with the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

On September 27, 2021 Director of Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport Pavel Monastyrev and Head of International Relations Office Larisa Mikheeva met with the Vice-Rector for Academic Activities of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia Garnik Stepanyan at Tambov State Technical University. During the meeting an agreement was reached on the cooperation between TSTU and the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, which provides the opportunities for the organization of joint international educational programs and projects, academic mobility, scientific and technical cooperation, as well as socio-cultural events.

TSTU at the International Conference on Engineering Education ICL-IGIP 2021 "Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education"

On September 22-24, 2021 Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko and Head of the Department "Design of Radioelectronic and Microprocessor Systems" Nikolay Chernyshov, took part online in the traditional international conference on engineering education ICL-IGIP 2021 "Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development – Challenges for Higher Education". The conference was organized by the Technical University of Dresden and the Dresden University of Applied Sciences (Germany) in a hybrid format and was devoted to intellectual mobility as a key component of growth in modern cities and rural areas, with networking and automation of traffic and transport systems with a high degree of efficiency and convenience.

TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19