Tambov region strengthens friendly relations with the Republic of Uganda
On August 10 with the support of the Administration of the Tambov Region and the Tambov Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, representatives of key communities of the Tambov Region, including Tambov State Technical University, represented by Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko, met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uganda to Russia, Mr. Johnson Agara Olva. Within the framework of the current political, economic, social and cultural realities, cooperation between the Tambov Region and the Republic of Uganda has serious prospects in the field of integration of scientific, educational, cultural and business events, which should lead to closer cooperation between the two countries.
TSTU team took part in an international training in the field of engineering education at Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
A team of teachers of Tambov State Technical University took part in a training in the field of engineering education, which was held in a hybrid format on the basis of Tallinn University of Technology on September 16-18 as part of implementation of the international project ERASMUS + "Pedagogical training of engineering educators ENTER". Representatives of the participating universities were trained in the educational modules "Innovations in engineering pedagogy", developed by representatives of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, "System Analysis in Education" - by the team of Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, "Time Management" - by Polytechnic Institute of Porto and others. Andrey Popov, Associate Professor of the Department "Technology and Methods of Nanoproducts Manufacturing" of TSTU, conducted a training on the developed course "Pedagogical Psychology and Communication", which is an integral part of the professional development program aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of engineering educational programs.
Tambov State Technical University joined the international research consortium "Engineering Education"
On July 9, at Vyatka State University, in the framework of the ERASMUS+ ENTER project coordination meeting Tambov State Technical University, Polytechnic University of Porto (Portugal), Kazan National Research Technological University, Don State Technical University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan) and Vyatka State University signed an agreement on the creation of a research consortium "Engineering Education" aimed at the development of professional and pedagogical training of educators of engineering programs at universities.
The key areas of cooperation focus on generalization, analysis of Russian and foreign experience in the development of effective methods of training highly qualified teachers of engineering programs; development of variable programs for the training of teachers of engineering programs (initial, basic, advanced), consisting of a variable set of modules, providing for the use of modern teaching technologies; development of technology for creating individual educational trajectories in engineering pedagogy; development of models of network interaction for the implementation of educational modules and dissemination of project results; development of legal and regulatory documents for the organization of network cooperation; development of criteria for assessing the professional competencies of teachers of engineering programs and criteria for assessing the quality of training programs; development and examination, implementation of advanced training and retraining programs for university staff in the field of engineering education; conducting joint scientific research; theoretical, experimental, scientific-methodical, design work; consulting and expertise; preparation of joint applications for competitions of projects and programs.
Representatives of Tambov State Technical University took part in the international seminar on engineering pedagogy
Vyatka State University (Kirov) within the framework of the "EngineeriNg educaTors pEdagogical tRaining" ERASMUS+ project (ENTER) held an international seminar "Results of the iPET Program Approbation" on July 7-10, 2021 aimed at developing a multi-level modular system for pedagogical training of engineering educators in the field of international network cooperation.
The international seminar brought together international teams of educators of engineering disciplines - participants of ENTER project from the universities of Portugal, Slovakia, Estonia, Russia and Kazakhstan. Tambov State Technical University was represented by Elena Mishchenko, Vice-Rector for International Activities, Nikolai Chernyshov, Head of the Design of Radioelectronic and Microprocessor Systems Department and Andrei Popov, Associate Professor of the Technology and Methods of Nanoproducts Manufacturing Department.
During the three-day session, the ENTER network was launched, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the members of the consortium to create the ENTER network. The participants of the ENTER program presented the results of the implementation of the iPET program at the universities of Russia and Kazakhstan, provided a forum to exchange views on conclusions, revolved discussions on the risks and wishes for improving the program.
TSTU Russian Language Center opened in Republika Srpska
The Russian Language Center of Tambov State Technical University was opened in the City of Srbac,. The organization of the Russian Language Center took place as a result of an agreement between TSTU and the National Library of Srbac. This Center of Russian Language, History, Customs and Traditions is the only center of its kind in the region and from now on the residents of Srbac and other cities and municipalities will be able to learn Russian with the support of the teaching staff of TSTU department "Russian Philology".
The exhibition "Cultural Heritage of the Tambov Region" opened in TSTU
On June 7, Tambov State Technical University hosted the exhibition of creative works of TSTU students and teachers, as well as residents of Tambov "Cultural Heritage of the Tambov Region", dedicated to the celebration of the City Day. This exhibition is a continuation of a series of joint international events that TSTU has been organizing with the Italian Romualdo del Bianco Foundation for the period of 7 years. The authors of the exhibition try to draw the attention of the residents of the Tambov region to the issues of preserving cultural heritage, careful attitude to the architectural, natural, cultural traditions, as well as folk crafts of our homeland. The creative competition was held with the support of the Administration of the Tambov Region.
TSTU volunteers took part in the environmental action at the Chelnavskoye reservoir
Students of the Department "Nature Management and Environment Protection" of TSTU together with activists of the Volunteer Center of Tambov State Technical University held an environmental action on the shoreline of the Chelnavskoye reservoir in the framework of the All-Russian campaign "Green Spring" and the University International Strategic project "EcoGREEN". TSTU volunteers regularly develop and implement projects aimed at solving the regional environmental problems.
TSTU hosted the International Russian-Serbian Poetry Evening
On May 11 the International Russian-Serbian Poetry Evening "We are Together to Remember" was held in Tambov State Technical University in a teleconference mode together with the representatives of the city of Srbac, Republika Srpska. TSTU students and students of schools in Srbac performed poems and songs about the World War II. Representatives of the Srbac city administration, the National Library of Srbac, as well as employees of the Center for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Cooperation, addressed the participants of the event with welcoming words. At the end of the evening, the participants honored memory of the fallen heroes with a Minute of Silence.
TSTU organized the interregional Olympiad TSTU-2021 "Creativity is the basis for the regional economy development" for Russian and foreign applicants
At the end of April the Faculty of International Education of TSTU held the interregional Olympiad TSTU-2021 "Creativity is the basis for development of the regional economy". The organizer of the Olympiad competitions was the Department "General Theoretical Disciplines". The students from TSTU, Lyceums №29 and 28 and the Cadet Multidisciplinary College competed in their knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science. TSTU was represented by the foreign students from Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Cameroon. The team of the Faculty of International Education took the honorable second place.
Memorial events dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War were held for TSTU foreign students
On the eve of the Victory Day, teachers of Russian Philology Department organized a number of events for foreign students of the Faculty of International Education, introducing them to the heroic pages of the history of Russia. The students got acquainted with the Tambov monuments and museums dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, laid flowers at the Eternal Flame on Cathedral Square. They learned about the contribution to the Victory by the residents of Tambov and the Tambov region.
Commemorative open lesson dedicated to the World War II at the Faculty of International Education of TSTU
On April 30 the open commemorative event was held at the Faculty of International Education of Tambov State Technical University. Foreign students read poems about the Great Patriotic War, sang songs of the war period. The teachers told the students about the horrors that the Soviet Union and all the countries participating in the World War II had to pass in those terrible years. The event ended with a Minute of Silence in memory of all the victims of those disastrous events.
Tambov State Technical University entered the Round University Ranking
The international university ranking of the Round University Ranking agency (RUR), which evaluates the activities of leading universities from around the world, was officially presented in Moscow. It is compiled by the prestigious rating agency Round University Ranking together with the company Clarivate. In total, 867 universities from 74 countries were evaluated this year. TSTU ranked 72nd among Russian universities and 775th in the global ranking. Universities were evaluated according to the following criteria: the quality of teaching, the quality of research, international diversity and financial sustainability.
TSTU together with University of Economics - Varna (Bulgaria) celebrated the Earth Day.
On April 22, students and academic staff of Tambov State Technical University and University of Economics - Varna (Bulgaria) took part in a class dedicated to the International Earth Day in the framework of the summer school. The event was attended by students of the Institute of Law of TSTU, Head of the Department of International Law Irina Iskevich, Vice-Rector for International Activities of TSTU Elena Mishchenko and Bulgarian colleagues from the University of Economics - Varna. The participants watched videos about Tambov and Varna (Bulgaria). An activist of the TSTU Volunteer Center Anastasia Tatarintseva read a poem. The action was finished with a joint performance of the Russian song "Katyusha".
TSTU teachers delivered online lectures and seminars for students of Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute (Uzbekistan)
In April teachers of TSTU Technological Institute delivered a course of online lectures and seminars for students of Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute of as part of the development of digitalization technologies in education. Teachers of the Department "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" Irina Zarapina and Inna Zhabkina conducted a laboratory work for students from Uzbekistan on the topic "Studying the adsorption of furacilin on coal by photometric method". As part of the joint events Associate Professor of the Department "Technological Processes, Devices and Technosphere Safety" Nadezhda Alekseeva gave a lecture on membrane processes. Head of the Department "Computer Integrated Systems in Mechanical Engineering" Vladimir Mokrozub delivered a lecture on digital mechanical engineering. The first online seminar on environmental problems "Modern systems of urban wastewater treatment in Russia and the European Union" was held by Artemy Kozachek, head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection, TSTU.
Tambov State Technical University was included in the Times Higher Education Impact Ranking of the world's leading universities.
The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings measure global universities’ success in delivering the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
In total, the ranking includes 1115 universities from 94 countries, including 75 universities from Russia.
Among Russian universities, Tambov State Technical University occupies a position in the range of 38-57, and in the global ranking TSTU is being placed in the range of 801-1000.
Representatives of Tambov State Technical University took part in an online meeting with Tashkent State University of Economics
On April 12, TSTU Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko, Head of the Department "Economic Security and Quality" Tatyana Bondarskaya, and Head of International Relations Office Larisa Mikheeva took part in an online meeting with representatives of Tashkent State University of Economics. Representatives of the two universities discussed topical issues related to the organization of academic mobility programs for students and teaching staff, summer/ winter schools, lecture courses, internship programs and joint publications.
Tambov State Technical University hosted the VII Interregional Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language "We speak Russian"
Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language "We speak Russian" was held on April 9 at the Faculty of International Education of Tambov State Technical University. This year more than 200 foreign students of Russian universities and educational institutions of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and China took part in the Olympiad. The jury included not only teachers of the Department of Russian Philology, but also specialists from other universities.
Online meeting of representatives of Tambov State Technical University with the International Department of University of Economics-Varna (Bulgaria)
On April 5 a strategic online meeting was held between representatives of TSTU- Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko, Head of International Relations Office Larisa Mikheeva, and Head of the Department of International Law Irina Iskevich, with Radan Miryanov, Vice Rector for Internationalization of University of Economics – Varna, and Yordanka Georgieva, Head of the International Cooperation Department. Within the framework of the meeting, a number of short – and long-term alternatives were discussed on organization and implementation of joint international educational programs and projects, academic mobility, prospects for scientific and technical cooperation, as well as key points of socio-cultural projects planned for realization in 2021.
Foreign students and graduates of TSTU took part in the City literary and musical event
In March the Education Committee of the Tambov Administration, the Faculty of International Education of TSTU, Gymnasium №12 and the Center for Supporting Educational Activities in a remote format organized and held the City literary and musical event. The event was attended by graduates and students of Tambov State Technical University and students of Gymnasium №12, schools № 33, №22 and № 11. The participants discussed the importance of spiritual development and love of art in the life of a modern person.
Tambov State Technical University took part in the international environmental event "Earth Hour"
On March 27 Tambov State Technical University supported the initiative of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation together with international environmental organizations to hold the Earth Hour campaign and took part in this event as a sign of support for the openness of environmental information. Students and teachers of Tambov State Technical University passed a special test on the website of Earth Hour 2021 and received certificates of participants, as well as participated in the action and held the Earth Hour without turning on light sources.
Representatives of the International department of TSTU held an online meeting with the author of the global audiovisual project Le LA du Monde Jeslin Avan
On March 25 an online meeting was held with the author of the global audiovisual project Le LA du Monde Ghislaine Avan (France). Ghislaine Avan visited TSTU for the first time in September 2018 as a guest lecturer and told about the features of the project to the TSTU students. The international project is associated with the "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri. Ghislaine Avan implements a large-scale project in which people of different nationalities read excerpts from this book in their native language. The video is recorded in the most important places for world culture and history. The final product will be a film that will be shown in the year of the seven-hundredth anniversary of the creation of the "Divine Comedy" on 100 screens in 100 cities around the world. Students and employees of Tambov State Technical University became a part of this project, reciting important passages from the great book in the sights of Tambov and the Tambov region.
TSTU students won prizes in the International Professional Competition NOPRIZ for the best project-2020
The results of the 7th International Professional Competition of NOPRIZ for the best project-2020 have been summed up. The main objectives of the competition are to demonstrate the best achievements in the field of urban planning, architectural design and engineering surveys in Russia and abroad, to promote the introduction of innovations and breakthrough technologies, to attract public attention to the profession and the results of its activities. Scientific groups of students and teachers of TSTU received diplomas of the 3rd degree in the nomination "The best concept of an unrealized project".
TSTU representatives took part in web conference organized by the German Energy Agency (dena)
On March 25-26 students and teachers of the departments "Agricultural Engineering" and "Equipment and Technology of Road Transport" of Tambov State Technical University took part in web conference organized by the German Energy Agency (dena), within the framework of the interregional dialogue platform "Urban Energy Infrastructure" with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy (BMWi). Web session "Sustainable Urban Mobility" on March 25 was dedicated to new approaches to urban planning and management of transport systems, as well as recommendations for the development of sustainable urban mobility plans, presented with examples from cities in Germany, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. On March 26 the web session "Alternative Fuels in the Public Transport Sector" discussed the challenges and prospects for cities in converting public transport to alternative fuels.
Representatives of Tambov State Technical University took part in the opening of the VIII International Art Exhibition of young artists "YOUNG TALENTS"
On March 19 Tambov Regional Art Gallery hosted the opening ceremony of the VIII International Art Exhibition of young artists "YOUNG TALENTS", as part of the educational project "Creative Youth of Russia". The exhibition is organized with the support of the Tambov Representative Office of the International Union of Art Teachers and the Association of young artists of Tambov "Art Movement", with the participation of the Committee of Culture of the Tambov City Administration, the Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport of Tambov State Technical University and Tambov Regional Art Gallery. The participants of the exhibition were students, graduates, young teachers and other representatives of regional universities, art educational institutions and organizations of Tambov and the Tambov region.
Students of the Faculty of International Education visited the Pushkin Library
Students of the Faculty of International Education together with the teachers of the Department of "Russian Philology" visited Tambov Regional Pushkin Library. The guides were employees of the "WORLD and I" sector, who introduced foreign students from Cameroon, Syria, Egypt, and Yemen to the structure of the library, told about the composition of the funds and the services provided to visitors.
Thematic lesson "The Earth is our common home" for international students of the Faculty of International Education
The event is dedicated to the celebration of the International Earth Day, introduced by the United Nations, taking into account the significance of this date in the natural calendar - this is the day of the spring equinox. Students got acquainted with the Earth Day flag -one of the first photos of our planet taken from the ISS by astronauts who were in outer space, read poems dedicated to the fragility of our world, participated in competitions and performed creative tasks.
TSTU representatives took part in technical seminar of the Chinese-Russian project on nanothermal materials and technologies
On March 19 professors of the department "Technology and Methods of Nanoproducts Manufacturing" and Vice-Rector for International Activities took part in an online technical seminar of the Chinese-Russian project on nanothermal materials and technologies. The participants discussed the opportunities for the development and production of nanomaterials, Russian-Chinese cooperation in key areas of the use of nanothermal products for commercial purposes, their implementation in international markets, networking and cooperation with partners such as Shandong Hongjiang Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., as well as higher education institutions in China, entering the international market, and developing relations between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China in the field of science and education.
Online meeting of TSTU International Department with representatives of the academic community of Slovakia and Kazakhstan
On March 10 TSTU International Department held an online meeting with Roman Hrmo (Slovakia), Vice-Rector for Development and Quality of Dubnica Institute of Technology, and the Head of the Postgraduate Education Department of Academician E. A. Buketov Karaganda University Svetlana Karstina (Kazakhstan). During the meeting issues and prospects of further cooperation in various fields of education and research within the international scientific community were discussed through the organization and conduct of joint scientific and educational lecture courses, research and socio-cultural student projects, international mobility and internships for students and postgraduates, joint participation in international conferences, seminars and symposiums.
TSTU delivers a course of lectures for foreign teachers within the framework of the international project ERASMUS + ENTER
Since March 1 in the framework of the international project ERASMUS+ ENTER, TSTU Associate Professor Andrey Popov has been delivering lectures for the trainees of the international professional retraining program "Engineering educators pedagogical training" from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academician E. A. Buketov Karaganda University, Vyatka State University and Tambov State Technical University. The course of lectures on "Pedagogical Psychology and Communication" is aimed at providing a teacher of a technical university necessary knowledge and skills to organize educational activities in engineering disciplines, to develop competences to help students choose goals in their profession and life.
Tambov State Technical University implements a joint Russian-Serbian scientific project
In the course of realization of the events within the framework of the Year of Science and Technology announced in the Russian Federation, the Department of "Technology and Methods of Nanoproducts Manufacturing" of Tambov State Technical University implements a joint scientific project with the company "Natura Eco", Cacak, Serbia. The project is aimed at developing and creating innovative technologies, materials and equipment for complex low-rise construction using additive technologies and nanotechnologies based on modern principles of energy conservation.
Tambov State Technical University took part in the first Iranian-Russian Winter Online School on Political Economy
TSTU students of the Institute of Law took part in the first Iranian-Russian winter online school on political economy, organized by Allameh Tabataba’i University (Tehran, Iran) which is the largest Iranian educational and research center in the field of humanities and social sciences. The participants discussed issues related to various aspects of economic and humanitarian problems in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This event aroused great interest, and more than 300 students from 8 countries of the world attended it.
Representatives of TSTU took part in the meeting of the Academic Council of the international project ERASMUS + "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training-ENTER"
On March 4 an online meeting of the Academic Council was held within the framework of the international project ERASMUS+ "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training-ENTER". During the meeting the participants discussed the issues related to organization of the Academic Council of the project and its further functionality within the framework of the prospects for the development and implementation of internal regulations of the Council, as well as the duties and rights of its members were discussed. An important aspect of the meeting was the discussion of the mechanisms of interaction between the members of the Academic Council during the implementation of professional development and retraining programs for teachers of technical universities.
The Information Center of the association "Life beyond Tourism" was opened in TSTU
On February 6 Tambov State Technical University hosted an online event - the opening of the Information Center of the Florentine Association "Life beyond Tourism" of the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation. Within the framework of the Association's concept aimed at preserving and enhancing cultural heritage as a tool for mutual understanding of cultures, the main directions and activities of the Association were presented, including the organization of international exhibitions of national cultural identity of different countries, conferences, symposiums, trainings and internship programs for both representatives of the world academic community and business structures. The information meeting was held at the site of the Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport, where students and teachers shared their creative projects and developments with Italian partners, as well as organized an exhibition of works of art dedicated to Italy.
Meeting of TSTU International Women's Club
On February 26, a meeting of the international women's club "Nadezhda" was held at TSTU on the eve of the International Women's Day. Female students and graduates of the university from different countries shared the secrets of beauty and fashion, discussed the problems of raising children, family values, the role of women in science, culture, and politics.
The young scientist of TSTU became the prize-winner of the international scientific competitions
Associate Professor of the Department "Information Systems and Information Security" Alexey Eliseev became a silver medalist of the international Cassava Leaf Disease Classification competition for image recognition. The aim of the competition is to develop an effective solution for the diagnosis of cassava diseases for African farmers based on neural networks, which should work well with significant restrictions on image quality and low data bandwidth of mobile devices. According to the results of the evaluation of predictions based on closed data, Alexey Eliseev's solution received the silver medal of the platform.
Online meeting of TSTU International Department representatives with the coordinator of the QS University Ranking
On February 19 Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko and Head of International Relations Office Larisa Mikheeva had the online meeting with coordinator of QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) University Ranking. As part of the meeting, an analysis of the fact file of TSTU results at QS EECA (Emerging Europe and Central Asia) University Ranking was conducted. Options for ranking reputation and analytical consulting, analytical trackers were considered, as well as methodological recommendations for improving the submission of data for participation in further annual QS University Rankings were obtained. Despite a significant increase in the number of universities participating in the ranking in 2020, TSTU retained its position and entered the top 100 Russian universities in the QS EECA ranking.
Tambov State Technical University implements the second training module iPET2 of the program for training engineering educators in the framework of the project ERASMUS+ 598506-EPP-1-2018-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training ENTER from 04.02.2021 until 30.04.2021.
The ENTER proposes a hierarchy of 3 structured educational programs for engineering educators - iPET programme, in the context of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. The actual design is one of the outputs of the project and foresees 3 educational programs with different content and duration:
- iPET-1 Short-focused (e.g. 2 ECTS) - "Qualification Development" Certificate;
- iPET-2 Professional Retraining (e.g. 8 ECTS) - Diploma "Higher Education Teacher";
- iPET-3 International recognized (e.g. 20 ECTS) - a full programme leading to international accreditation as "Engineering Educator".
For further information please follow the link:
Representatives of TSTU International Department discussed the roadmap of the TSTU Russian Language Center activities in the Serb Republic
On February 18 an online meeting of the TSTU International Department representatives and the coordinators of National Library of Srbac (Serb Republic) was held. Within the framework of the cooperation agreement TSTU Russian Language Center was opened at the end of 2020 at the National Library in Srbac to promote the Russian language study programs for children and young people. At the meeting the issues of planning and theoretical content of the programs of teaching the Russian language, as well as prospects for further international cooperation, including a roadmap of joint educational and cultural events were discussed. "Russian Philology" department of Tambov State Technical University will provide necessary teaching/training materials for the implementation of Russian language study programs.
The opening of the photo exhibition of Romualdo del Bianco Foundation "Florence in the world, the world in Florence" took place at TSTU
On February 18 Tambov State Technical University hosted the opening of the photo exhibition of Romualdo del Bianco Foundation "Florence in the world, the world in Florence". The main purpose of the exhibition is to reveal the national and cultural identity, preserve the cultural heritage of the territories and introduce the "cradle of the Italian Renaissance" to the public. The exhibition features photographs taken by the young architect Carina del Bianco. As part of the opening of the international exhibition at TSTU, a creative competition "Cultural Heritage of the Tambov Region" was announced among students for the further organization of a similar exhibition in Florence at the site of Romualdo del Bianco Foundation.
Tambov State Technical University took part in the 3rd International Industrial Exhibition "EXPO-RUSSIA UZBEKISTAN 2020"
On February 11, Vice-Rector for International Activities of Tambov State Technical University Elena Mishchenko and Director of Study by Correspondence Institute Natalia Maistrenko took part in the round table "Education in Russia" on the development of relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education within the framework of the 3rd International Industrial Exhibition "EXPO-RUSSIA UZBEKISTAN 2020". The issues of practical implementation of interstate agreements on the integration of higher and secondary education systems in Russia and Uzbekistan, admission procedures to Russian universities, double degree programs and online education were discussed.
TSTU took part in interactive exhibition "Florence in the World, the World in Florence"
Last week Tambov State Technical University took part in the interactive exhibition "FLORENCE IN THE WORLD, THE WORLD IN FLORENCE" organized by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation. The virtual meeting was attended by representatives of Russia, Italy, Japan, Latvia, the United States and other countries. Mikhail Krasnyanskiy, Rector of Tambov State Technical University, made a video message of greetings to the participants of the exhibition, and Elena Mishchenko, Vice-Rector for International Activities of TSTU, made a welcome speech, emphasizing the importance of cooperation with the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation for strengthening cultural ties between the two countries aimed at solving the problems of preserving the world cultural heritage, developing educational tourism, and promoting national cultural territories.
TSTU hosted an open lecture "Education after 2020: New tools in teaching and learning"
On February 4 TSTU hosted an open lecture by Dmitry Polyakov, Associate Professor of the Chair "Information Systems and Information Security", Head of the Department of e-Learning at TSTU, on the topic "Education after 2020: New tools in teaching and learning". The lecture was held within the framework of the international program of professional pedagogical retraining of engineering educators iPET, developed in the ERASMUS+ project "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training"- ENTER. The event was attended by representatives of Tambov State Technical University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University and Vyatka State University. The lecture covered the process of education digitalization, which was intensified as a result of the 2020 pandemic.
Representatives of TSTU took part in the Steering Board meeting of the international project ERASMUS + "Engineering educators pedagogical training ENTER"
Representatives of the universities participating in the project consortium from Portugal, Russia and Kazakhstan: Polytechnic University of Porto, Tambov State Technical University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Don State Technical University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, as well as the Association for Engineering Education of Russia, reviewed the current state and prospects of the project, the program of activities for 2021, and also discussed the preparation of a Memorandum of understanding to be concluded between the universities and organizations participating in the project. An important aspect of the meeting was the discussion of the experience of implementing the first module (iPET1) of the advanced training program for engineering educators at partner universities, as well as the preparation of the second module (iPET2), which is a professional retraining program for teachers of technical universities.
Tambov State Technical University took part in the webinar "The response of Japan and its regions to the pandemic: the specifics of the response and new opportunities of the regions in the eyes of the surrounding world"
On December 10, at the site of the autonomous non-profit organization "Japan Center for the Development of Trade and Economic Relations" a webinar was held on the current topic: " The response of Japan and its regions to the pandemic: the specifics of the response and new opportunities of the regions in the eyes of the surrounding world ". The event was attended by representatives of TSTU. The lecturer of the webinar, professor Motani spoke about the factors due to which Japan, despite three waves of infection, copes with the situation without a strict quarantine and a crisis in the health sector. Within the framework of the webinar, the participants also discussed further possible prospects in the field of science, culture, education and other forms of international cooperation in the context of the pandemic.
TSTU students attended the online meeting with the coordinator of international office of the Georg Agricola Higher School of Technical Sciences
In the framework of the "Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships 2018-2020" program Tambov State Technical University organized the online meeting with coordinators of international office of Georg Agricola Higher school of Technical Sciences in Bochum, Germany. At the meeting TSTU students of "Construction" direction, as well as students of the Center for international professional training had a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the history of Georg Agricola Higher School of Technical Sciences, learn about the latest development trends in the field of geo-resources and production process technologies, mechanical engineering, materials science, mineral resources engineering and technological design.
Students of Tambov State Technical University are the participants of the III Russia – CELAC Youth Forum
The CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States)-Russia Youth Forum has been held annually since 2018 on the initiative of Latin American students from various Russian universities. On the forum participants shared their experience in the field of youth work and politics, discussed problems and opportunities for cooperation between Russia and countries of the Latin American region, made proposals for the development of the Russia — CELAC youth dialogue, and jointly developed the most effective solutions to global and regional issues relevant to Russia and CELAC members. This year TSTU was represented by students from Russia and Venezuela.
Students of the Faculty of International Education traditionally celebrated the day of the letter Ё
On November 27, students of the Faculty of International Education traditionally celebrated the letter Ё Day. The students were introduced to the history of the "youngest" letter of the Russian alphabet and completed the tasks they were offered: they uttered clear phrases, sang, and demonstrated their knowledge of the Russian alphabet and spelling. At the end of the lesson, a gallery of portraits of the letter Ё was created.
TSTU took part in the conference "Technical support of innovative technologies in agriculture"
Scientists of Tambov State Technical University took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Technical support of innovative technologies in agriculture", held on November 26 on the platform of Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University (Minsk, Republic of Belarus). The conference addressed the issues of designing innovative agricultural machinery and mobile energy in agriculture, technical support of innovative technologies for crop production and innovative technologies in animal husbandry, technologies for training agricultural specialists.
Tambov State Technical University implements the first training module iPET1 of the program for training engineering educators in the framework of the project ERASMUS+ 598506-EPP-1-2018-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training ENTER from 30.11.2020 until 30.04.2021.
The ENTER proposes a hierarchy of 3 structured educational programs for engineering educators - iPET programme, in the context of
the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. The actual design is one of the outputs of the project and foresees
3 educational programs with different content and duration:
- iPET-1 Short-focused (e.g. 2 ECTS) - "Qualification Development" Certificate;
- iPET-2 Professional Retraining (e.g. 8 ECTS) - Diploma "Higher Education Teacher";
- iPET-3 International recognized (e.g. 20 ECTS) - a full programme leading to international accreditation as "Engineering Educator".
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TSTU took part in the web conference "Integration of renewable energy sources in urban energy infrastructure"
Students and teachers of the Institute of Power Engineering, Tool Engineering and Radioelectronics, the Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport, as well as representatives of the International Department of TSTU participated in a series of web conferences organized by the German Energy Agency (dena), as part of interregional dialogue platform "Urban energy infrastructure" on the topic "Integration of renewable energy sources in urban energy infrastructure" on November 19-20. The web session was devoted to identifying the role of cities in the context of national energy modernization in general and in the development of renewable energy sources in particular.
TSTU continues to implement the program of international academic mobility online for students of Kazakhstan University
Teachers of the Department" Structures of Buildings and Constructions " of Tambov State Technical University implemented the program of international academic mobility online for Zhangir Khan University. The event was attended by more than 60 students and teachers of Kazakhstan University. The interactive program included lectures and workshops on the topic "History of metal structures development", organized by the Deputy Director of the Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport Oleg Evdokimtsev, during which issues from the XIX-XX centuries related to the rapid development of the theory and methods of calculating steel structures and the creation of leading engineering schools were highlighted and discussed. Senior lecturer of the Department "Structures of Buildings and Constructions ", Director of the center for collective use "BIM technologies" Sergey Strulev organized classes in a video conference and presented the topic " Impact of design decisions on the efficiency of heat insulation in low-rise construction".
An online academic exchange program was implemented for students of TSTU and Zhangir Khan University within the framework of the cooperation agreement
From October 28 to November 11 within the framework of the cooperation agreement between Tambov State Technical University and Zhangir Khan University (Kazakhstan), an online academic exchange program was implemented. Using distance learning technologies with the support of the Leader-ID Platform, teachers of the TSTU Department of "Agricultural Engineering" together with their colleagues from Zhangir Khan University (Kazakhstan) delivered lectures on the course "Technologies and Technical Means of Tillage".
TSTU and TAMAK signed an agreement on the network implementation of educational programs
On November 17, a meeting of the heads of the university and the construction company TAMAK JSC took place at the Tambov State Technical University. During the meeting, the parties discussed the development of cooperation and signed an agreement on the network implementation of educational programs. That opens up new prospects for improving the educational process in architectural and construction areas of training and subsequent employment of students.
TSTU develops cooperation with Germany
Tambov State Technical University plans to cooperate with Germany in the framework of the project "German-Russian Agrarian and Political Dialogue". The meeting took place on November 12 in the format of a zoom conference. The purpose of interaction with TSTU is to build a purposeful dialogue to exchange experience on priority topics and expand contacts for the development of digitalization and innovation in agriculture in Germany and Russia. Within the framework of cooperation, it is planned to hold expert meetings (online and offline), presentations at events and joint scientific publications.
TSTU student of the Faculty of International Education became a prize-winner of Interregional Youth Online Festival of National Cultures "Friends are Near"
On November 13, Interregional Youth Online Festival of National Cultures "Friends are Near" was held in Kursk. Talented students of different nationalities from 200 cities of Russia took part in this event dedicated to the problems of forming a tolerant consciousness of young people in modern Russia. Our city was represented by TSTU student of the Faculty of International Education, Ndiaye Saliou (Senegal) and became a prize-winner of the contest in the category "art of poetic skill".
TSTU took part in the Russian-German scientific and educational virtual exhibition
Representatives of the international department of TSTU took part in the second Russian-German scientific and educational virtual exhibition, which was held on November 11 in an online format on a virtual platform. The exhibition is organized as part of the Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships 2018-2020, held under the patronage of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany. Participants of the exhibition presented their joint programs and projects, as well as shared their personal impressions and answered questions online.
Students of TSTU and Zhangir Khan University (Kazakhstan) took a course of lectures in online format within the framework of the cooperation agreement
In the framework of the agreement on cooperation between Tambov State Technical University and Zhangir Khan University the representatives of the TSTU Department "Power Engineering" held classes in an online format using distance learning technologies for courses "Non-conventional source of energy" and "Renewable energy" for students of Zhangir Khan University (Kazakhstan). Upon completion of the training, the students had to pass online testing on the material they studied.
Professor of TSTU gave a lecture for students and teachers of Zhangir Khan University
On October 27 within the framework of the agreement on international cooperation between Tambov State Technical University and Zhangir Khan University (Kazakhstan), Professor of the TSTU Department "Architecture and Building Construction" Viktor Ledenev held the first lecture in a distant format for students from Kazakhstan. More than 60 people of Kazakhstan University, including students and teachers, attended the lecture on "Features of building construction in difficult ground conditions".
Scientists and representatives of agro-industrial companies discussed digitalization of the agro-industrial complex at TSTU
Tambov State Technical University hosted the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digitalization of agro-industrial complex". This major event brought together on one platform representatives of science, the largest agro-industrial enterprises, authorities of the region. In total, the conference was attended by more than 350 people from 30 cities of Russia and 7 countries. On October 21 a plenary session was held in the main building of TSTU. Participants discussed the digital transformation of agriculture, including its regional features. Scientists presented their advanced research in this field, concerning the use of the latest biotechnologies, robots, digital monitoring systems and other areas.
TSTU hosted the International Youth Educational Forum "EcoGreen"
On October 23 Tambov State Technical University hosted the Third Annual International Youth Educational Forum "Environmental Global and Regional Initiatives – EcoGreen". TSTU students and representatives of foreign partner universities - National Polytechnic University of Armenia, West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan (Kazakhstan), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, University "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Italy), Baranovichi State University (Belarus) shared their ideas and scientific and innovative developments in the environmental sphere on the forum's online platform.
TSTU held an international eco-patriotic event with installation of a time capsule
On September 24 Tambov State Technical University held an ecological and Patriotic action "Green Spring" and "Great Victory". The event was organized within the framework of the TSTU strategic project "Environmental Global and Regional Initiatives – EcoGreen". The event was held in the year of the 75th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War in cooperation with the partner university of TSTU-West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan (Uralsk). On this day a time capsule was installed - an appeal from students to future students of TSTU- 2045. After installing the capsule, a massive environmental clean-up was launched to clean the University campus and surrounding facilities. In parallel with the event a waste paper collection point was organized, where anyone could hand over unnecessary paper. The volunteers sent the proceeds for the waste paper handed over to a shelter for homeless animals.
Online meeting of representatives of TSTU and Zhangir Khan University
On September 18 an online meeting of representatives of Tambov State Technical University and West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan was held. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of joint international projects and promotions on their sites. The parties agreed to organize and conduct a joint international environmental and patriotic campaign "Great Victory "and" Green Spring " on September 24, 2020. This event was initiated by the Vernadsky Foundation and the All-Russian Society for Nature Protection with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. The event is held in the year of memory and honor of the 75th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
TSTU took part in the closing ceremony of the Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships 2018-2020
On September, 15 representatives of Tambov State Technical University took part in the closing ceremony of the Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships 2018-2020, which was held online. As part of the closing ceremony a conference was held on the prospects of scientific and educational cooperation between Russia and Germany. Tambov State Technical University together with OTH – Technical University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden (Germany) took an active part and presented several educational and scientific projects as a part of implementation of the Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships 2018-2020. Among them there are the Russian-German Summer School 2019 "High-Strength Materials-Spheres of Application", the Project 2020 "High-Strength Concrete" and others.