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TSTU entered the list of the best universities according to international The Three University Missions Moscow Ranking

The list of 1500 best universities in the world according to MosIUR has been published. According to the results of the Moscow international ranking of universities "The three university missions" in 2020 Tambov State Technical University is the only one in the region to enter the top 100 Russian universities and 1500 world best universities. Tambov State Technical University entered the interval group 74-86 among Russian universities and the interval group 1301-1400 in the world ranking. This ranking takes into account three components – the three university missions. In addition to education and science, which are traditional for most rankings, it also takes into account the interaction of the university with society.

TSTU took part in the International Conference on Social Sciences

On August 23-27, the 7th International Conference on Social Sciences (ISCSS 2020) was being held in Albena, Bulgaria. It was attended by famous and young scientists from all over the world. Teachers of Tambov State Technical University together with scientists from Bulgaria presented their reports at the sections "Economics"and" Urban Studies". The purpose of the conference was to bring together the world's leading scientists and researchers to exchange views and experience, discuss the latest trends and problems in the field of social sciences.

TSTU entered the list of 55 best universities in Russia in the UniRank World University Ranking 2020

UniRank 2020 ranking evaluates the popularity of universities on the Internet. Tambov State Technical University ranks 55th out of 373 Russian universities. TSTU is the only university in the Tambov region, included in the first hundred of the ranking.

TSTU students and postgraduates - winners of the competition for scholarships of the RF President for study abroad

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation announced the results of the competition for the appointment of scholarships of RF President for study abroad for the 2020/2021 academic year. Five students and postgraduates of TSTU became the winners of this competition.

TSTU launched a cultural and educational project for foreign students "Summer 2020"

A project for international students "Summer 2020" has been launched at the faculty of International Education of Tambov State Technical University. The goal of this project is to introduce foreigners to Russian culture and traditions. The first planned event was a remote acquaintance with the project of the Tambov regional art gallery "Great Feat", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Rectors of TSTU and West Kazakhstan University discussed cooperation online

On July 10, 2020 an online meeting was held between the rector of Tambov State Technical University Mikhail Krasnyanskiy and the rector of Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University Askar Nametov. The heads of the universities discussed cooperation and defined the plans for its development. Universities interact within the framework of cooperation agreement on educational and scientific activities.

TSTU is a participant of the international conference on energy efficiency

On July 9-10,2020 TSTU scientists, teachers and young researchers take part in the international web conference "Financing energy efficient projects in cities", organized by the German Energy Agency (dena) within the framework of the interregional dialogue platform "Urban energy infrastructure". The topic of energy efficiency for TSTU is one of the priorities in the development of educational and scientific projects. In this direction, the University cooperates with foreign partners, such as the East Bavarian Technical University Amberg-Weiden (EcoGreen project "Environmental global regional initiatives") and the ERASMUS program+ "Master degree in innovative technologies in energy-efficient buildings - MARUEEB".

TSTU took part in the International seminar "ENTER quality management standards of educational programs"

From June 30 to July 3, 2020 a team of teachers from Tambov State Technical University took part in the international methodological seminar "ENTER quality management standards of educational programs", organized as part of the joint project of the European program ERASMUS+ "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training" under the guidance of the project coordinator University -Polytechnic University of Porto (Portugal). The seminar program included presentations of leading experts in the field of quality control of engineering education from partner universities of the project consortium of Portugal, Slovakia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Russia, the CDIO community, as well as the Association of Engineering Education of Russia and the Kazakhstan Association of Engineering Education. The purpose of this event was to discuss the criteria for evaluating the quality of educational and professional development programs for engineering educators developed within the project.

Representatives of TSTU take part in the International Training of Experts – ENTER

As part of implementation of the international project ERASMUS+ "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training " an online training of experts in the field of engineering education was organized at the Polytechnic University of Porto (Portugal) and at the Don State Technical University (Russia). 25 representatives of universities participating in the project consortium from Russia and Kazakhstan took part in the training program. The program included intensive training of experts on the quality assurance standards of educational programs for teachers of engineering disciplines. Master classes were conducted by European professionals in the field of quality of education.

Masters students of English-taught degree program passed the state exam

On June 25, 2020 at the Department "Design of Buildings and Structures" of the Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport a state final exam for 8 graduate students enrolled in the Master program "Theory and Design of Buildings and Structures" was conducted. 5 Masters of English-taught program from Iraq were among the applicants. During their studies at our University Masters gained knowledge in the theory of calculation and design of special reinforced concrete and metal structures, bases and foundations arranged in difficult ground conditions, modern methods of strengthening building structures, and acquired skills in design and computer systems and information modeling programs for buildings and structures.

Tambov StateTechnical University joined the international campaign "Candle of Memory"

On June 22 TSTU students and teachers took part in the international event "Candle of Memory", organized by the Russian Center for Science and Culture of Slovakia with the support of the Department of History and Culture of the Russian Embassy in Bratislava. More than 30 students, teachers, and public members in Russia and Slovakia paid tribute to the heroes and fallen in the Great Patriotic War. Students of Tambov State Technical University shared with the Slovak students their experience in organizing and participating in the annual Immortal Regiment campaign in foreign countries.

TSTU post- graduate student won the gold medal of the International Information Nobel Center

On June 11 a solemn ceremony was held to award gold medals and diplomas of the International Information Nobel Center and Nobel scholarships to the winners of two international conferences: "New materials of the XXI century: development, diagnostics, usage" and "Physical processes in condensed environments". Among the awardees is a post-graduate student of TSTU Department "Automated Systems for Decision-Making Support " Nasraoui Mariem Mekki.

Foreign students of TSTU took part in the international action

On the Russia Day foreign students of Tambov State Technical University took part in the International actions #Russia1Love and #RussiaHelps (#Russiapomogaet), announced by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. Participants of the action posted videos on their pages in social networks congratulating Russians on this holiday and declaring their love for Russia, Tambov and the Russians.

TSTU summed up the results of the essay contest "Russian language in foreign students life"

Student international club and the Department of Russian Philology held an essay contest "Russian language in foreign students life" among foreign students of Tambov State Technical University on the Russian Language Day. Foreign students responded to the offer with great interest, and the organizers of the competition received a large number of essays about the difficult way of mastering the great and powerful Russian language. Foreigners have a particular difficulty with such topics as movement verbs, perfect and imperfect verbs, the prepositional-case system of the Russian language, participles and adverbs and Russian pronunciation.

The Day of Slavic writing and culture at the Faculty of International Education of Tambov State Technical University

On the day of Slavic writing and culture, which is celebrated in Russia on May 24, the Faculty of International Education of Tambov State Technical University organized events for foreign students aimed at creating a positive image of Russia, as well as promoting the study of the Russian language in the world. The Internet campaign "About the Russian language" evoked a lively response from foreign students. Students from Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Senegal, and other countries created videos in which they recited quotes from famous Russian and foreign writers, poets, and scientists about the Russian language.

TSTU is among the best Russian universities according to the ARES-2020 International Ranking

Tambov State Technical University has significantly improved its position in the international ranking of higher education institutions ARES-2020 (Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard). TSTU is the only university in the Tambov region that was included in the top 100 of this ranking. It ranked 63rd among Russian universities, entering the first category (A). Last year, the University was ranked 146th in this ranking. The first category includes universities that demonstrate high quality of teaching, research and high demand for graduates by employers. The assessment is based on the following indicators: international cooperation, Informatization, international recognition of teaching staff, interaction with stakeholders, membership in European academies of science, awards issued by divisions of the European Chamber of Commerce and industry and the European Commission.

Bialystok University of Technology, Poland, holds an online International Web Conference on Changes in Cooperation and Higher Education 2020 on June 9-10, 2020

For registration to the conference, please fill in and submit the online form until 7 June 2020 at website

TSTU received many congratulations on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Victory in World War II from foreign universities and partner organizations.

TSTU received many congratulations on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Victory in World War II from foreign universities and partner organizations.

In April-May 2020, students and teachers of the Tambov State Technical University took an active part in preparing video greetings on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Victory in World War II

In April-May 2020, students and teachers of the Tambov State Technical University took an active part in preparing video greetings on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Victory in World War II and video messages with words of support addressed to foreign partner universities in connection with the coronovirus infection pandemic. The Department of Regional Development and Investment Support of the Tambov Region sent letters of appreciation to all participants, noting that these virtual actions were highly appreciated and caused a significant positive response.

This year, the 75th anniversary of Victory, the Immortal Regiment event is held remotely, online.

Students of Tambov State Technical University have prepared a video broadcast of the Action, which will be shown in all corners of the world.

Italian partners send greetings to TSTU in response to congratulations on the 75th anniversary of liberation from fascism.

On April 25 Italy celebrates the day of liberation from fascism and German occupation.

"From the heart of Russia, with Russia in the heart!"

Tambov State Technical University sends to its foreign colleagues a video greetings with best wishes!

Reports of TSTU students were highly appreciated at the International conference in Minsk

A group of students and teachers of Tambov State Technical University in the framework of international cooperation programs passed an internship at the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University under the program "Prospects for the development of agro-industrial complex". The delegation included students from Technological Institute and the Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport, who also participated in the International scientific conference "Market economy: today and tomorrow". The results of research presented by TSTU students were highly appreciated by the participants of the conference, who represented educational institutions from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan and other countries. In total, the conference presented more than 150 reports in 5 areas.

TSTU teachers delivered lectures to Belarusian students

Within the framework of international cooperation, TSTU teachers held a number of open lectures for students and teachers of Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University. Anatoly Pavlov, associate Professor of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, held a round table on the topic "Biological foundations of agriculture". During the lecture and scientific discussion with students of Belarusian University methodological approaches to the organization of crop rotations, problems of creating an integrated system of plant protection, plant life factors and methods of their regulation, and soil treatment systems were discussed. For students of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Management, associate Professor Andrey Popov gave a lecture on "Organizational and economic mechanisms for introducing technological innovations in agriculture". During the round table the issues of innovation activity in the conditions of economic instability, foreign economic pressure and processes of economic globalization and intensive introduction of digital technologies were considered.

TSTU will continue cooperation with Technical University of Applied Sciences – Amberg-Weiden (OTH)

On January 30th an international delegation from Technical University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden (Germany) arrived in Tambov State Technical University. The President of the German University Andrea Klug discussed with the rector of TSTU Mikhail Krasnyanskiy the prospects for further interaction of universities and signed the new cooperation agreement. Representatives of the German delegation had a tour of TSTU laboratories and centers of shared access, got acquainted with the research results of TSTU scientists. German and Russian professors discussed the ideas of new joint innovative projects and plans.

TSTU postgraduate student presented the Russian Federation at a forum in India

During the period of December, 6 – 13, the Russian delegation took part in the annual Russian-Indian exchange, which took place in the Republic of India. The forum participants, including students, postgraduate students of Russian universities, representatives of youth public organizations, young journalists and entrepreneurs aged 18 to 35, passed the appropriate competitive selection. Tambov State Technical University was represented by the postgraduate student Alena Popova.
The main objectives of the event were the development of youth dialogue between Russia and India in the field of culture, education and economy.
During the forum the delegates visited the largest Indian company "Infosys", the IISc Institute, business incubator, Central Technological Food Research Institute, observed the scientific activities of the state, met with the students of the Indian Institute of Management and attended the National Museum in New Delhi

TSTU students visited East Bavarian Technical University within the framework of the Russian-German winter school program "High Performance Materials - Advantages"

From November 26 to December 6, students of Tambov State Technical University visited the East Bavarian Technical University Amberg-Weiden (Germany) in the framework of the Russian-German winter school "High Performance Materials - Advantages". During their visit, TSTU group met with representatives of the Department of public works "Stadtwerke Weiden i. d. OPF.", attended a lectures of Professor Magnus Jaeger on electricity and alternative energy sources. Students were able to attend the opening of the Christmas holidays and visit the largest Christmas fair in the city of Nuremberg and visited Dresden. At the end of their stay in Bavaria, TSTU students together with OTH partners and German students made a symbolic 5 kilometer March and honored the memory of the victims of the Second World War with a minute of silence.

The year of Japanese-Russian interregional exchanges was launched at TSTU

On December 6, a master class in Japanese calligraphy was held at TSTU by Kaori Ishijima, an expert of the Japanese Culture Department "Japan Foundation". At the beginning of the master class Kaori Ishijima told the students about the philosophy of calligraphy, which is closely related to the culture and traditions of Japan. Then the students began to practice and showed their skills in writing hieroglyphs on real Japanese paper. This event is the starting point for TSTU in the opening of the year of Japanese-Russian interregional and twinning exchanges 2020-2021, announced by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

TSTU delegation visited National Polytechnic University of Armenia within the framework of academic mobility program

November 13 - 22, the students and teachers of Tambov State Technical University took part in academic mobility program in Yerevan at National Polytechnic University of Armenia. TSTU team made presentations at the NPUA International Scientific and Practical Conference and International Student Forum. During this visit students and teachers got acquainted with the National Polytechnic University, its history, organization of educational, scientific, international and social activities.

TSTU and University of Daegu signed the agreement on cooperation in South

Professor Oleg S. Dmitriev, head of the Department "Physics" of TSTU visited University of Daegu, Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea). For several years the Department of Physics actively cooperates with the Department of New Materials of the Institute, headed by Professor CheolGi Kim. The subject of cooperation is the development of highly sensitive magnetic field sensors based on the Hall effect and anisotropic magnetoresistance.

Rector of TSTU presented the University at the exhibition "Education and Profession 2019" in Uzbekistan

Rector of Tambov State Technical University Professor Mikhail Krasnyanskiy and Vice-Rector for International Activities Professor Elena Mishchenko took part in the international exhibition "Education and Profession 2019", which was held in Uzbekistan cities of Samarkand and Bukhara with the support of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Representatives of universities from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Germany, Great Britain and other countries presented their training programs for Uzbekistan applicants.

TSTU is in the top 100 Russian universities in the QS EECA ranking

QS Quacquarelli Symonds has published an annual ranking of universities "Emerging Europe and Central Asia 2020". This Eurasian rating was the largest in history: QS rated 568 universities. The ranking assessed universities for the level of Internet presence, the proportion of employees with academic degrees and international cooperation. 105 Russian universities are included in this ranking. TSTU is the only University of the Tambov region represented in the ranking and is placed in top 100.

TSTU students created a model of a prisoner of war camp for the exposition "The tragedy of the Second World War: memory and time"

Representatives of Tambov State Technical University took part in the opening of the exhibition "The Tragedy of the Second World War: Memory and Time" and in the meeting with a delegation from France headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to the Russian Federation Sylvie Bermann. In the center of the exhibition a miniature model of the prison camp № 188 was presented , which was made by the fifth-year students of the Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport of TSTU Ksenia Avdeeva and Polina Govsha under the supervision of TSTU professors.

TSTU presented its experience at the international regional conference on engineering pedagogy

The Head of the Department "Design of Radio-Electronic and Microprocessor Systems" Nikolay Chernyshov, an international teacher of ING-PAED-IGIP, presented TSTU at the IX international regional conference IGIP on engineering pedagogy "Methodological training of teachers of technical universities in modern conditions" held at Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University. In his report Prof. Chernyshov paid special attention to the implementation and development of ideas of the international project "Engineering educators pedagogical training" (ENTER) of the European ERASMUS+ program, which aims to develop multi-level modular system for pedagogical training of engineering educators based on international network cooperation

Rector of TSTU met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Russia

Last week Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Russia Toyohisa Kozuki arrived in Tambov. As part of his visit, the Ambassador and his wife visited Tambov State Technical University and met with the rector of TSTU Mikhail Krasnyanskiy. Toyohisa Kozuki and Mikhail Krasnyansky discussed the prospects of cooperation between the University and educational and scientific organizations in Japan. A pleasant surprise for the Ambassador and his wife was an exhibition of Tambov school of iconography presented at TSTU.

Cooperation agreement between TSTU and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq was signed

On September 27 TSTU rector Mikhail Krasnyanskiy met the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq Dr. Qusay Al-Suhail and Ambassador of Iraq to Russia Dr. Haidar Mansour Hadi, during which the Cooperation agreement was signed between Tambov State Technical University and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq, the document which involves the development of cooperation in the fields of higher education, science, technology and innovations.

Tambov State Technical University signed a cooperation agreement with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Within the framework of TSTU delegation visit to Kazakhstan (Almaty) Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko and the First Vice-Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Burkitbayev Mukhambetkali discussed issues of scientific, educational and international fields and signed an agreement on cooperation between the two universities. This agreement implies cooperation in education, research, participation in international projects, organization of academic mobility of students and teachers, exchange of fundamental scientific information and joint publications.

Representatives of Tambov State Technical University took part in a series of international seminars of the European project ERASMUS + "ENTER" in Kazakhstan

On September 18-21 at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty), a regular meeting of member universities of the ERASMUS+ program "Engineering Educators Pedagogical Training" ENTER was held. During this meeting the universities from Russia, Portugal, Slovakia, Estonia and Kazakhstan presented and discussed the interim results of the ENTER project. One of the seminars for the consortium participants was prepared and successfully conducted by TSTU staff. This seminar provided an opportunity to consider ways and methods of improving the quality of educational programs.

Over 30 volunteers from TSTU became members of the first plogging-race in Tambov

In the framework of the international project "EcoGreen" plogging-race "Run with meaning!" was organized in Tambov, which was attended by more than 30 volunteers of Tambov State Technical University. The goal of plogging is to collect as much garbage as possible along the route. As a result, the winners who collected the most garbage were determined. Among the winners – a student of TSTU Maxim Krinkov, he gathered 35.5 kg of garbage.

Representative of the Republic of Iraq Embassy in Moscow visited Tambov State Technical University

On September 2 acting attache for culture and education of Iraq Embassy in Moscow visited Tambov State Technical University. The purpose of his visit was the discussion of the prospects for development of international scientific and educational cooperation between TSTU and universities of the Republic of Iraq.

TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19