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TSTU and University of Cote D'Ivoire will work together to teach students

On July 31, a teleconference was held between the administrations of Tambov State Technical University and Alassane Ouattara University in Bouake (Cote D'Ivoire). The parties discussed the plan for cooperation within the framework of the agreement signed earlier. During the discussion, the universities expressed mutual interest in implementation of joint Master's training programs, on the results of which the students will get double diplomas in the field of biomedical engineering, business informatics, economics and law.

TSTU teacher gave lectures at Bialystok University of Technology in Poland

Director of Center of shared access "BIM Technologies" of Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport Sergey Strulev took part in International Forum at Bialystok University of Technology.
Participants of the event were the representatives of teaching and administrative staff of universities from 21 countries including South and Central America, Africa, Asia, Oceania and Europe.
International Forum was aimed at the development of cooperation between universities in educational and scientific fields. Foreign teachers organized short training courses at all main faculties of the University. Sergey Strulev gave a short course of lectures in English "Modern information technologies in construction" for undergraduates of training direction "Construction of Roads".

TSTU student told about new professional horizons: Presidential scholarship and study abroad

Every year Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation announces an open competition for the appointment of scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation to study abroad for students and postgraduates. Anna Babashkina, a master student of the Department "Biomedical Engineering" of TSTU last year became the winner of the competition on receiving the presidential scholarship and had internship at the University of Houston in the USA. Upon arrival to TSTU Anna gave interview to TSTU PR service. Detailed information is available here:

TSTU students attended Summer school in China

Students and teachers of Tambov State Technical University were trained at Wuhan Polytechnic University in the framework of Summer school "Economic Development of China on the example of Hubei Province". The training program included classes on economics, architecture, construction, as well as cultural activities.

TSTU students and teachers were trained at the Italian University

TSTU students and teachers took part in the international summer school "Environmental Problems: EU and Russia", held at the University of Genoa in Italy.
The training was aimed at the formation of students' understanding of the current environmental situation, taking into account their study direction in TSTU. Lectures and practicals included the discussion of issues related to renewable energy sources, environmental policy, the relationship between business and the environment.

The TSTU students completed an internship in Germany

Ten students of Institute of Power Engineering, Tool Engineering and Radio Electronics; Technological Institute, Institute of Economics and Quality of Life; Institute of Automation and Information Technologies within the framework of academic mobility program passed a short-term internship at the partner University of TSTU- East Bavarian Technical University of Apllied Sciences Amberg-Weiden in Germany on the program "Maintenance of Buildings with Decentralized Power Supply". The internship program included the implementation of the engineering and design project together with the students of the German University, visits to large industrial enterprises of Bavaria, acquaintance with the production processes and management structure.
Strobel Quarzsand company offered students to participate in an experiment on the creation of concrete samples with different strength parameters. Students also got acquainted with the system of energy and water supply, water disposal and water purification of the city pool, the project of which was developed with the participation of scientists of the East Bavarian Technical University.

Students of TSTU honored the memory of the victims of the Second World War in Italy

In the period May 4-11, 2018 TSTU students and staff took part in the memorial event to commemorate the victims of the Second World War in Genoa. At the end of the event the students of TSTU together with other participants were invited to the Consulate of Russia for an action, dedicated to the memorable date.

TSTU Students participated in "Immortal Regiment" action in Germany

A group of students from Tambov State Technical University arrived in Germany to take part in the international summer school "Maintenance of Buildings with Decentralized Power Supply". On May 9, the students joined the "Immortal regiment" in Munich. From Munich they went to the city of Weiden, where the East Bavarian Technical University of Applied Sciences held a summer school.

Students of TSTU took part in "Immortal Regiment" March in China

On the victory Day May 9, 2018 TSTU students were in China to participate in the educational school "Economic Development of China on the Example of Hubei Province". The students and teachers joined "Immortal Regiment" action, which was held in Wuhan in the Liberation Park, where the memorial complex dedicated to the fallen Soviet volunteer pilots is located.

Representative of Kaunas University of technology delivered lectures at TSTU

Associate Professor of the Institute of Environmental Engineering of Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania) Irina Kliopova visited Tambov State Technical University. During her stay in Tambov Irina Kliopova held a series of meetings with students and teachers of the University and delivered lectures for students of the Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport in the framework of ERASMUS + project "Master Degree in Innovative Technologies in Energy Efficient Buildings for Russian and Armenian Universities and Stakeholders" MARUEEB.

TSTU representatives discussed the concept of "Smart Сity" at a conference in Italy

In the middle of March the University of Genoa (Italy) hosted the international conference "Energy Efficient Building in the Smart City. Technology, Economy, Entrepreneurship". TSTU employees - Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena S. Mischenko and senior lecturers of the Department "Construction of Buildings and Structures" Alexander and Semyon Mamontov took an active part in it.
Together with colleagues from the universities of Voronezh, Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk, teachers of the Department "Construction of Buildings and Structures" prepared and presented a report on the development of smart technologies in Russian cities, including Tambov.

A unique laboratory "Energy Efficiency in ConstructionВ" was opened in TSTU

On February 14, a unique training laboratory в__Energy Efficiency in Constructionв__ was opened in Tambov State Technical University. This laboratory was equipped within the framework of the international ERASMUS + project "Master Degree in Innovative Technologies in Energy Efficient Buildings for Russian and Armenian Universities and Stakeholdersв_" "MARUEEB". The ceremony was attended by Professor of Genoa University (Italy) Vincenzo Bianco, he was honored to personally cut the red ribbon, opening the way to a new laboratory.

TSTU hosted the International Youth Forum on Energy Saving

On February 26, Tambov State Technical University hosted the International Youth Forum on energy efficiency and energy saving in urban environment, which was attended by representatives of universities of Tambov, Voronezh, Kazakhstan and Slovakia. Students and young researchers discussed the rational use of energy resources, the reduced consumption of energy to ensure the functioning of buildings, technological processes in production and construction of facilities.

A unique laboratory "Energy Efficiency in ConstructionВ> was opened in TSTU

On February 14, a unique training laboratory в__Energy Efficiency in Constructionв__ was opened in Tambov State Technical University. This laboratory was equipped within the framework of the international ERASMUS + project "Master Degree in Innovative Technologies in Energy Efficient Buildings for Russian and Armenian Universities and Stakeholdersв_" "MARUEEB". The ceremony was attended by Professor of Genoa University (Italy) Vincenzo Bianco, he was honored to personally cut the red ribbon, opening the way to a new laboratory.

TSTU students met a journalist from Germany

On January 12 Tambov State Technical University held a press-conference of TSTU students with journalist from Germany. Holm Inglericht Kerstin was a correspondent for The Frankfurter Allgemeine вЂ" one of the largest and most influential German newspapers in Russia, for more than 20 years. The participants were the students with an active lifestyle, who achieved certain success in study, young scientists and volunteers. Kerstin Holm got the interest in scientific development and creative activities of the University.

TSTU signed a cooperation agreement with the University of China

In January, representatives of Tambov State Technical University visited the University in Wuhan (China). In the framework of the visit TSTU and Wuhan University of Technology signed the cooperation agreement. In the course of the agreement it is planned to implement joint research projects, scientific seminars, joint educational activities, organization of conferences and interaction between research groups of the universities.

The TSTU students took part in the international seminar on effective business communication "Japanese Hospitality as a Way to the Client's Heart"

On November 16, 2017 the specialist in business etiquette and hospitality Takemoto Kuniko held a seminar "Japanese Hospitality as a Way to the Client's Heart". The seminar program covered issues of business etiquette and communication, hospitality industry, the features of the reception of guests and partners from Japan. The seminar was organized with the support of the Tambov Regional Branch of the Russia-Japan Society.

TSTU delegation on the Bavarian - Russian conference

Students and teachers of Tambov State Technical University took part in Bavarian - Russian conference on economic sciences which took place on November 9-10, 2017 at Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen and Nurnberg. This conference should serve to strengthen the links between the Bavarian and Russian universities, to promote the exchange of professional experience, as well as accumulate new ideas for cooperation in research and training. Special attention was given to stimulating the organization of new joint projects in the field of empirical research.
The conference program included a substantive section on economics, management and energy economics.

TSTU hosted the Nobel Congress meeting

On October 27, 2017 Tambov State Technical University organized a meeting in the framework of The Nobel Congress: The 11th International Meeting-Conference of Nobel Prize Winners and Nobelists "Science, Technology, Society and International Nobel Movement", dedicated to anniversaries of remarkable Nobel inventions and International Information Nobel Center. The Congress was presented by the following members: Nobel's grandnephew Michael Nobel, scientists from Russia, Austria, Israel, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Miss Sweeden-2015. TSTU was represented by the Rector Michail N. Krasnyansky, the Vice-rectors N.V. Molotkova, D.Yu. Muromtsev, A.V. Maistrenko. E.S. Mischenko and other reperesentatives of TSTU administration, as well as TSTU students: Miss Tambov -2015 V. Maksimova and Miss TSTU-2017 S. Savelieva.

TSTU students took part in the International Student Conference in ecology in North Ossetia

On October 22-25, 2017 North Ossetian State University held the International Student Conference in ecology with more than 300 participants. Conference program covered a wide range of topics from biological methods to economic analysis. TSTU students could also get acquainted with the sights and nature of South Russia.

TSTU signed an agreement on cooperation with Latvian university.

Tambov State Technical University held a meeting with representatives of the Rezekne Academy of Technologies (Latvia). Constructive conversation ended up with the signing of the Cooperation agreement between Tambov State Technical University represented by the rector of TSTU Mikhail N. Krasnyansky and Rezekne Academy of Technologies and its rector Edmunds Teirumnieks. The subject of the agreement is the promotion of educational and research opportunities of students and teaching staff of the parties and provision of opportunities for cultural exchange between higher educational institutions, implementation of joint academic, research and other projects, publication of scientific and methodical works (articles and presentations).


On October 11, 2017 the Rector of TSTU Mikhail N. Krasnyansky and the President of the University of Lorraine, prof. Pierre Mutzhenhard signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of science, education, academic mobility, development of joint projects. University of Lorraine opened new European horizons for TSTU to develop scientific relations and cooperate with the world's best specialists in spintronics.

International student conference "Training of IT Professionals to Digital Economy, with the participation of the foreign experts

On October 4, 2017 Tambov State Technical University held the international student conference "Training of IT Professionals to Digital Economy". The participants of the conference were represented by foreign students-undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of TSTU as well as the Danish entrepreneur Jens Rasmussen, who founded his agricultural enterprise in Tambov region. The participants of the conference discussed such issues as "the Use of IT Technologies in Teaching Academic Writing", "Digital Economy in Commercial Organizations Activities", "Language as a Tool to Build Digital Economy" and others. The reports were presented in Russian and English.

TSTU implements a new master program on the construction of energy efficient buildings

On September 17-22, 2017 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University hosted an international conference in the framework of the project ERASMUS+ MARUEEB "Master Degree in Innovative Technologies in Energy Efficient Buildings for Russian and Armenian Universities and Stakeholders" where representatives of TSTU summed up the interim results of the project.
TSTU implements MARUEEB project in cooperation with 5 European universities from Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania and Romania as well as with the Russian universities.
The main objective of the project is to develop a joint master program "INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS" in the Armenian and Russian universities.

Research and Enterprise Practice of TSTU Students Specializing in Contraction at Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)

On September 11-17, 2017 the group of 7 students of Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport supervised by the assistant professor of the Chair "Town Planning and Roads" O.N. Kozhukhina were trained in the field of construction at Bialystok University of Technology. The event was organized in the framework of agreement on cooperation between Tambov State Technical University and Bialystok University of Technology (Poland).

Exchange students from Poland visited the Martial Arts Center in Tambov

The group of students from Bialystok University of Technology arrived to Tambov State Technical University in the framework of the realization of student exchange program between TSTU and BTU. Acquaintance with Tambov architecture was a part of their visit. The students were shown one of the largest and newest sports facilities in the region - the Marital Arts Center.
They are the future specialists in construction, therefore their interest to visit the Center was not sports. Together with the teachers they walked through the Center, focusing on the structural elements of the building.

TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19