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Master's Program Analysis and Synthesis of Information Systems

09.04.02 Information systems and technologies

The program "Analysis and synthesis of information systems" focuses on developing graduates' skills in the research, development and implementation of information technologies and systems. The Master's program allows to acquire theoretical knowledge and skills to solve problems in designing and technological professional activity.
The program duration is two years.
Graduates' professional work facilities are information processes, technologies, systems and networks' tools (programming, technical and organizational), designing techniques and methods, debugging of production and operation of information technologies and systems in various fields.
The graduate can conduct work on developing a design strategy, definition of design objectives, efficiency criteria, limitations of application, perform the conceptual design of information systems and technologies, and prepare specifications of components of information systems and technologies. The graduate is able to choose and implement computer-aided design means, to unify and typify design solutions. He has skills to work with various modern information technologies that allow to perform author's supervision of design processes, implementation and maintenance of information systems and technologies.
    Core courses of the Master's program are:
  • Design of information systems;
  • Information security and protection of information;
  • Intelligent information systems;
  • Management of IT-projects;
  • Technologies of database design;
  • Methods of research and modeling of information processes and systems;
  • Object-oriented programming in Web development;
  • Fundamentals of system programming;
  • Foundations of data mining;
  • Fundamentals of computer networking.

TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19
E-mail: tstu@admin.tstu.ru