Ye.A.Boratynsky (1800-1844)

Yevgeny Abramovich Boratynsky was born in February 19, 1800 in his father's estate
in the village Vyazhla of the Kirsanovsky uyezd of the Tambov province. He was primary educated and brought up at home by his mother and a tutor - the Italian Borgeze. Borgeze acquainted his pupil with French literature, cultivated in him love of classic Italian world and of all the beautiful.
In 1812 Yevgeny Boratynsky entered the Page corps and in
1816 he was expelled from this institution for the prank (he was deprived of his right to start any work, except the military service, "and only as a soldier"). This event had a bad effect on the young Boratynsky's temper and left a mark of melancholy on his poetry.
In 1819 he joined the Life Guards Yegersky regiment and
took up his residence in St.Petersburg together with the poet A.A.Delvig. Delvig brought Boratynsky into the literary circle headed by such poets as Zhukovsky and Pushkin. The poems of the young poet were estimated at his true worth. Later Pushkin wrote: "Boratynsky is one of our outstanding poets... Harmony of his poems, freshness of his style, liveliness and exactness of the expression had to strike anyone endowed with some taste and feelings". Boratynsky was one of Pushkin's friends.
Boratynsky's poems and elegies, wrote in Finland during his military
service as a non-commissioned officer, brought real literary fame to him. In 1825 due to efforts of his friends and relatives he had been promoted to an officer. Next year Boratynsky went into retirement and married Anastasia Lvovna Engelgardt. The rest of his life he lived in his country estates in Moscow, Kazan and Tambov provinces, where he wrote his poems and was occupied with the domestic affairs. In June 29, 1844 Ye.A.Boratynsky had suddenly died in Neapol, where he spent his time with his family. He was buried in the Alexander Nevsky lavra in St.Petersburg.

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