A. Revise prepositions of place


B. Choose the right preposition of place:

1.      My husband was born … Germany.

2.      There are two funny posters … the wall … my bedroom.

3.      Let’s meet … the bus station.

4.      My room was … the third floor.

5.      He left his bicycle … the pavement.

6.      Have you heard some noise … the street?

7.      My favorite restaurant is … King street.

8.      I prefer to spend my weekends … home.

9.      You should turn left … the traffic lights.

10.  The bank is … the post-office and the beauty salon.

11.  Bob and Jane were sitting in the café … each other.

12.  The monument is … the right.

13.  The office address is … the top of the page.

14.  He spends all his life … work.


C. Complete the sentences with prepositions: at, by, for from off on to.


  1.  A lot of my friends go to work ..... car.
  2.  She goes to the office… foot. It takes her 35 minutes.
  3.  Sometimes, I go… taxi. That takes me about 10 minutes.
  4.  I get… the tram at the City Park, then I walk… the cinema.
  5.  I start work… 8:00, but I like to arrive… the office early.
  6.  How long does it take to get… here… your office?
  7.  The plane arrives… 5:30.
  8.  It's a great airport. You never wait very long… your luggage.
  9.  Passengers for flight HB535… Moscow, please go… Gate 7.
  10.  Could you book me a room… 5 July… 1 September, please?