A. Read the following job interview. Notice Richard Henry Mortimer’s main strengths and skills.

French Fashions is looking for candidates for an opening position of a Commercial Director. Mr Mortimer has come for the interview.

1. Good morning, sir.

2. Good morning. Come in. Mr Mortimer, isn’t it? Please take a seat. OK let’s start. Tell me, please, how long were you in your last job with the Bank of Foreign Trade?

3. Five years. I’m only leaving because the firm is moving to another town.

4. What do you know about our company? Have you got any questions to me?

5. I know that it is a growing and company, so I’d like you to inform me what will be the major efforts in the next few years?

6. We plan to expand our activity on German-speaking countries. We need a team of creative persons to make our company competitive in the world market.

7. What responsibilities will I have?

8. Well, first of all, to be responsible for our contacts with German partners. You will have to travel very much.

9. Yes, I see.

10.  So what are your three main strengths?

11.  I think, they are reliability, loyality and energy.

12.  OK, are you a leader by nature?

13.  Yes, I think so. I get on with people very well.

14.  All right. Now Mr Mortimer, I’m quite prepared to offer you a job with us. You have excellent references from your previous job. What do you find a fair salary?

15.  Well, $2,000.

16.  I think we’ll begin from $1,500 for the probationary period and if you do well we’ll review it by the end of three months. Hours are from nine to five thirty with an hour for lunch and a fortnight’s holiday. Does that suit you? Any questions?

17.  What about travel: length, where?

18.  Mostly to Germany for not longer than a month.

19.  OK. When do you want me to start, sir?

20.  In a week, if possible.

21.  Yes, certainly. Thank you very much. Good-bye.

22.  Good-bye.


B. Look at the underlined questions and answers in the dialogue and below.   Listen to an interview. Tick the expressions you hear (3.2)





I learned to...

What did you learn from your last job?

Well, I had a problem with...

What didn’t you like about your last job?


What are you good at?



People say that I am good at...

Do you have any special skills?        

Future plans  


My main aim is to...   

What do you want to do in the future?        

I plan to be... 

Where do you want to be in ten years’ time?           

I hope to have...




I really enjoy...

What do you do in your free time?  

I spend a lot of time...

What are your main interests?