A. Svetlana Vlasova is applying for a job as an overseas team leader in Germany. Listen to part of her interview. Complete   the answers (3.1)

Reasons for applying: First of all, I like meeting people and getting people to work together as a ….......... . And then, I like …........ and …............ my languages.

Strengths: I’m …........ in German and English. I get on well          with people. I’m also good at................. people and getting them to achieve …........together. I love organizing events for …...... .

Weaknesses: I’m not really …....... when people don’t meet deadlines.

People you work well with: The people I like best are those who work …........... and who are …............ .

Interests: I like travelling, and  like discovering new …........ .

Questions: If I get the job, when would you like me to ….........?


B. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you get on well with people?


C. What must one know before having an interview? How must a person behave at a job interview, in your opinion?