A. Read Hans Gunter’s letter of application. Say if you were right commenting on the statements in exercise B.


46 Chorleywood Road


Herts WD3 4ES

25th April 2014

Mr George Davies. Director,

Southern Leisure Hotels Ltd,

24 Lakeland Road,

Bedhampton, Mendleshire KR4 9UJ


Dear Mr Davies,

    I saw your advertisement for a Group Manager in this week’s issue of The Career and Hotel-keeper and should like to apply for the position.

     As requested, I enclose my CV. I served a six-year apprenticeship at l’hotel Geneve, spending time in all departments of this 5-star hotel.

     German is my modern tongue but as I worked at a French-owned hotel I became almost bilingual. I have always studied English, and with many English visitors, and occasionally some English trainees, I was able to practice my spoken English.

       My three years at Bailey’s Hotel also gave me experience in English hotels and an opportunity to use my English when I worked at hotels in Brighton, Eastbourne and Torquay. Since leaving Bailey’s I have been manager at the Bellean Hotel, Swaby. I now feel I should like the greater challenge of managing a group of prestigious hotels.

     If I am given two or three days’ notice I could attend an interview at any time.

Yours sincerely,

Hans Gunter


B. Answer the following questions.

1.      Where did Gunter learn about the vacancy from?

2.      Where did Gunter serve his apprenticeship?

3.      How many languages does Gunter know?

4.      What opportunity did he get in English hotels?

5.      When could he attend an interview?


C. Put the paragraphs of the letter in the right order.

12 Rue Chantily

Paris de France

15th August 2000

Mr J.K. Green

Personnel Manager

Thrush Books Ltd

15 Rowans Road


Wessex UV20 8DT

Dear Mr Green,

  1. I am 20 years old, and have just completed a year’s intensive study of English at the Language Academy at Rouen. My father is French and my mother is Austrian, so I am bilingual in French and German.
  2. I hope this is the information you need and I am the kind of person you are looking for. If so I would be grateful for more details about the job and an application form. I look forward to hearing from you.
  3. I am writing in reply to your advertisement in the Daily News for a secretary in the Foreign Department.
  4. I have also completed a course for English secretaries at the Mountain Secretarial College; my typing speed in English is 50 wpm, I am used to audio typing in English and I can use a word processor.

Yours sincerely,

Marthe Lachasse


D. Read Richard Henry Mortimer’s CV. Put the following headings in the correct place in the CV.

Work experience, key skills, interests, education, references, profile


Name: Richard Henry Mortimer

Date of birth: 15 July 1945

Nationality: British

Address: 52 Heath Road



Telephone: (5367) 529413


An enthusiastic professional with excellent analytical abilities in the field of science. Creative and able to work on his own initiative. Strong management skills. A good team player with good interpersonal skills.


2006-2009 Research at Redbrick

Redbrick University

2003-2006 BSc (Hons.) Physics

Carfitt County School

1993-2003  3 A-Levels


December 2009 – present

Financial Analyst at the Bank of Foreign Trade, London.

Responsibilities: daily financial analysis, preparing financial statements, data processing


Fluent in French and German

Computer skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, Linux systems


Cycling, reading, mountaineering


Professional and personal references available on request


E. Decide whether these statements are true or false.

-       Richard Henry Mortimer studied in Russia.

-       He gets on well with people and cannot work alone.

-       He has worked only for one company in the USA.

-       Richard Henry Mortimer was responsible for preparing financial statements.

-       He can speak three languages fluently.

-       He is interested in climbing mountains.


F. Do you think Richard Henry Mortimer is a good candidate for a job in one French company that needs a fluent British speaker with good German and French and experience in finance and marketing? Why/ why not?