A. Do you have a job? If yes, describe it, please? If not, what job would you like to have? You can use the following structures and adjectives.

It is (very) …...... (interesting, rewarding, satisfying, exciting, glamorous).

It must be (very) (interesting, rewarding, satisfying, exciting, glamorous).


B. Match the adjectives with their meaning.

1. exciting

a) giving you satisfaction, pleasure or profit

2. rewarding

b) making you feel pleased or happy

3. challenging

c) not at all interesting and making you feel impatient or dissatisfied

4. repetitive

d) making you feel excited and enthusiastic

5. satisfying

e) difficult to deal with or achieve but interesting and enjoyable

6. boring

f) attractive and interesting in an exciting and unusual way

7. glamorous

g) involving doing the same action over long periods of time


C. Match the adjectives with their antonyms.

1. exciting

a) unchallenging

2. rewarding

b) illegal

3. challenging

c) unsatisfying

4. efficient

d) unexciting

5. satisfying

e) unrewarding

6. legal

f) inflexible

7. flexible

g) inefficient


What prefixes are added to adjectives to make them negative?

D. Add necessary prefixes to the adjectives.

dis-             il-           im-              in-            ir-               un-


















E. What do you know about the following professions? Describe them using  adjectives given above.

-        driver                                                 - teacher

-        personal assistant (PA)                                  - accountant

-        fashion model                                    - police officer

-        journalist                                            - TV presenter

-        firefighter                                          - politician

-        professional footballer                                   - shop assistant


Who gets the biggest salary in your country? Which job attracts you most and why?

F. What (do) would you like or not like in a job?

  1. a lot of paper work
  2. a high (low) salary
  3. much pressure and stress
  4. doing boring work
  5. working in a team
  6. traveling a lot
  7. working flexible hours
  8. uniforms
  9. casual dress
  10. using English at work


G. If you want to get a job which factors must be important in your opinion?

appearance, hobbies, experience, sex, age, personality, astrological sign, qualifications, marital status, references, contacts and connections