A. Listen to two three people talking about what they do on the Internet. Answer the questions.

Person 1: What does he like about the Internet?

   What's the problem with using the Internet?

Person 2: How does the Internet help save her time?

   What does she think about security on line?

Person 3: What sort of website does he talk about?

      What can you do at the website?


  You are going to hear an interview with David Bowen, a website consultant.

Before you listen, complete the definitions below with the following words:

break down     deliver             draw up                      fulfill


1. If you ______________a list, a plan, etc., you think about it carefully and then write it down.

2. When cars, machines, etc. __________________, they stop working properly.

3. If you _________________ a role, a task, an obligation, etc., you complete it.

4. If you ______________ something, you do what you promised to do or what people expect you to do.


Complete these sentences about what people need to do for a business website to be effective using the verbs from Exercise A.

a) They must make sure that the website is easy to use, and it doesn't _________ over time.

b) They need to build a site that can ___________________ the necessary tasks, looking from the different viewpoints of a number of different users.

c) They need to ___________________a list of tasks that they want their site to produce.

d) They need to understand what a website can ____________________ what it's good at, and what it's not so good at.

Now listen to the first part of the interview and list the points (a-d) given above in the order that David mentions them.

1 ___________ 2 ____________3 ___________ 4 ____________

Listen to the second part of the interview and complete this extract.

The Otis elevator or lift company has a very interesting website because it actually helps people decide _____________lifts they want, ________________ they should be, and what capacity they need to be. So it's using the __________ strengths of the Web to actually help people_________________.


Listen carefully to the last part of the interview. Decide whether these statements are true or false.

1. Television commercials and print media don't have an advantage over business websites.

2. If the message you want to communicate is complicated, use a website.

3. Television is much better than websites at getting across short messages.

4. The print media aren't very good at displaying high-quality images.

5. It's more difficult to make an image look beautiful on a computer screen than in a quality magazine.